Bureau of Reclamation
Current Reservoir Data for Waconda Lake, KS as of 05/12/2009

Pool Elevation is 1455.3 Feet
Reservoir Storage is 215533. Acre-Feet
Reservoir Inflow is 114.0 CFS
Reservoir Outflow is 51.0 CFS
Reservoir Active Conservation Pool is 98.2 % Full
Reservoir Flood/Surcharge Control Pool is 0.0 % Full
Solomon River Flow is 50.0 CFS

Note: 998877. Indicates A Missing Value

Click on

Elevation Content Inflow Outflow

for Graphs of Last 30 Days of Record

Additional climatalogical, historical daily and monthly data and plots for the Waconda Lake, KS are available below. The following data extraction and plotting routines are directly accessible by clicking the items below:
ARC040 Daily Data for One Month
ARC050 Daily Data for One Year
RES070 Mthly Data for One Parameter for Period of Record
ARCPLT Graphical Data Plots
TEACUPS Visual Display of Current Reservoir/River Basin Data (Not Available for Some Projects)