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Office of Headquarters Security Operations

Director's Perspective

Welcome to the Office of Headquarters Security Operations

James E. Toczko, Director

The Office of Headquarters Security Operations provides comprehensive protection services for DOE Headquarters facilities in the metropolitan Washington area. By protecting Headquarters facilities, personnel, property, sensitive information, and classified material we serve as a mission essential support element for all DOE Headquarters operations. To that end, it is incumbent upon our office to establish a working relationship with the many and varied programs that collectively make up the Department of Energy. We continuously seek to achieve excellence in this area by maintaining an effective and meaningful dialog with both the leaders of the DOE programs that we support and with our security counterparts in other Government agencies throughout the Washington Metropolitan area.

The Office of Headquarters Security Operations consists of an efficient, well-trained group of security professionals, both Federal and contractor, who are dedicated to the protection of the people, and the physical and information assets entrusted to our care. We are proud to serve our DOE colleagues and the public at large by providing round-the-clock protective operations, surveillance, and services that ensure the safety and security of all DOE employees, contractors and visitors.

We continue to search for better and more effective training methods for our protective force and for all employees through our security awareness program. Our ongoing implementation of advanced technologies continues to enhance our security protective measures program and technical surveillance countermeasures program to keep us at the cutting edge of these continuously changing fields. Our enforcement of these physical security programs provides the appropriate security posture at the DOE Headquarters facilities and throughout the complex along with other government agencies, as directed by Executive Orders and DOE directives. The Office of Headquarters Security Operations constantly strives to set the highest of protection standards for DOE. In doing so we seek to create a security mindset with programs such as classified matter protection and control that permits the many program offices to carry out the vital mission this Department performs for our country. We recognize that with strong programs like operations security we can remain cognizant of the demands of the Global War on Terror and we remain eternally vigiliant.

Mission and Functions


This page was last updated on April 27, 2009
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