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Hearing 3/4: Fighting Climate Change in Developing Countries

Select Committee to Hold Hearing on Emerging Economies and Global Warming


WASHINGTON -- Historic emissions of industrialized countries like the United States are far higher than those of developing countries, and per capita emissions of industrialized countries are much higher than in developing countries. Nevertheless, looking at the absolute emissions of countries, it is becoming clear that the climate crisis cannot be solved without efforts of all major emitters. This includes countries like Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa.

On Wednesday, Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and the Select Committee on Energy Independence & Global Warming will hold a hearing entitled, “Preparing for Copenhagen: How Developing Countries Are Fighting Climate Change” to look at current efforts of developing nations to fight climate change and what this means for the climate negotiations in Copenhagen at the end of 2009.

WHAT: Select Committee hearing: “Preparing for Copenhagen: How Developing Countries Are Fighting Climate Change”

WHO: Mr. Carter Roberts, President and CEO, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Ms. Barbara Finamore, China Programme Director, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Mr. Ned Helme, Presiden, Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP)
Mr. Lee Lane, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

WHEN: Wednesday, March 4, 9:30 AM

WHERE: 210 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC
and on the web at

The House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming was formed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to increase the visibility and priority given to America's oil dependence and global warming challenges. It is chaired by Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and will actively explore the solutions, science and progress on these pressing issues during the 110th Congress.

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