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Hearings and Publications

Get Smart on Smart Grid

Select Committee Hearing to Focus on Technology Solutions for Updating Nation’s Energy Grid to Incorporate Renewable Energy

Central to building a green economy will be updating the nation’s energy grid with technology solutions that improve efficiency, save consumers money and create new jobs.

Smart grid and smart metering technology will be needed to incorporate renewable energy from wind, solar and geothermal sources. The economic recovery package provided $11 billion for smart grid technology and development and an additional $6 billion for renewable energy transmission construction.

Chairman Edward J. Markey and the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a hearing entitled, “Get Smart on the Smart Grid: How Technology Can Revolutionize Efficiency and Renewable Solutions” on Wednesday February 25th, 2009 at 9:30 AM EST. They heardfrom energy experts and business leaders regarding energy efficiency gains that can be made by updating the nation’s energy grid using 21st century technology.

WHAT: Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming hearing, “Get Smart on the Smart Grid: How Technology Can Revolutionize Efficiency and Renewable Solutions.” 

WHEN: Wednesday, February 25th, 2009, 9:30 AM EST

WHERE: 2247 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC

OPENING STATEMENT: Chairman Edward J. Markey

Allan Schurr, Vice President, IBM
Robert Gilligan, Vice President, General Electric
Tom Casey, CEO, CURRENT Group, LLC
Shirley Coates Brostmeyer, CEO, Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc.
Charles Zimmerman, Vice President, Wal-Mart
Mr. James Hoecker, Hoecker Energy Law & Policy


Robert Gilligan's Opening Statement

Charles Zimmerman's Opening Statement

Chairman Markey's first Question and Answer period

Closing statements from the witnesses


"Get Smart on the Smart Grid" witnesses testify before the Select Committee

Tom Casey, CEO of CURRENT Group, testifies before the committee

Robert Gilligan, VP of GE's Energy T & D division

Allan Schurr, VP of Strategy and Development at IBM's Energy and Utilities division speaks to the committee

Charles Zimmerman VP of Wal-Mart's International Design and Construction

Shirley Brostmeyer, CEO of Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc., advises members to keep renewable energy in mind when making policy about smart grid.

James Hoecker, Founder and Principal of Hoecker Energy Law & Policy, gives his advice to the committee

Chairman Markey and the witnesses

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