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Technical Position Papers

Since 1995 the Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy, and it's predecessor offices have developed and issued numerous Radiological Control Technical Positions (RCTPs). Typically, the RCTPs are written in response to a question or issue related the Department's expectations for meeting a provision in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 835 (10 CFR 835), Occupational Radiation Protection. On June 8, 2007, the Department published an amendment to 10 CFR 835, and has since been updating all associated guidance documents. These documents include the 10 CFR 835 implementation guide as well as several standards and handbooks.

The Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy reviewed the RCTPs and either incorporated key points the guidance into drafts of d guidance documents or identified that the amendment to 10 CFR 835 directly addresses the RCTP issue. The following RCTPs, 1995 until the 2007 amendment to 10 CFR 835, are now considered archived.


RCTP Archive  

RCTPs Issued After 2007 Amendment to 10 CFR 835


- 09-01 Assessing and Recording Doses

Any questions, contact:
Certified Health Physicist
Office of Health and Safety
Department of Energy
301 903-5641

This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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