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NOAA Resources for Educators

NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is the government agency that conducts research and gathers data about the oceans, atmosphere, space, and sun. They sponsor a variety of educational outreach initiatives through their 5 agencies (National Weather Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service; National Ocean Service; and Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research) and through numerous special programs. Compiled below are NOAA-related resources we hope you will find useful.

General Resources:

The homepage of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

NOAA Central Library
The mission of the NOAA Library and Information Services (LISD) is to ensure the delivery of scientific, technical, and legislative information to users.

NOAA Education Resources
NOAA’s education homepage, with a comprehensive list of most NOAA educational websites.

NOAA History
NOAA's ancestor agencies loomed large in the formation of the American science community as it exists today. This site looks back on the incredible history of NOAA and its ancestor agencies with stories, pictures, posters, biographies and films.

NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
A very extensive webpage with links to information on climate, ocean, the Great Lakes, weather and air quality.  Site includes videos, projects, posters, graphics and images, data, information on class visits to NOAA research facilities and much more!

The GLOBE Program (grades K-12)
GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) program is a worldwide network of students making environmental measurements related to soil, hydrology, atmosphere, and biology, and sharing findings with one another and with the scientific community via the Internet.

The JASON Project
The Mission of The JASON Project for Education is to excite and engage students in science and technology, and to provide professional development for their teachers through the use of advanced interactive telecommunications.  JASON expeditions feature live, interactive broadcasts from distinctive sites on our planet through advanced technologies in robotics, fiber optics, television production, computer science, mechanical and electrical engineering, and satellite communications.


Oceans Resources:

COAST Resource Guide
This guide is divided into two sections to reflect the different emphases and requirements of elementary/middle school programs and high school programs. The elementary/middle school section was developed from the award-winning Operation Pathfinder "Best of the Best" and is an electronic version of the Resource Guide for Oceanography and Coastal Processes.

Coral Reef SciGuide
NOAA and the National Science Teachers Association recently announced the unveiling of the Coral Ecosystem SciGuide, a new Web-based "science toolbox" for teachers and other educators. The SciGuide was developed collaboratively by the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program and NSTA, as part of a cooperative agreement between NSTA and the NOAA Ocean Service. Click here for high resolution version of the guide.

Education in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Education has always played an important role in this office's resource protection mission. Successful education programs include student curricula, field trip programs, adult lectures, teacher workshops, volunteer programs and a wide variety of printed media.

EPIC Teacher at Sea Adventure
Follow the adventures of two teachers on board the Research Vessel Ronald H. Brown as part of the ongoing Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate.  Both teachers have written weekly lesson plans, maintained a daily log, taken photographs, interviewed scientists, and engaged in a dialogue on the special EPIC Teacher At Sea website.

Habitats of North Pacific Marine Fish
This exercise teaches how fish prefer different parts of the ocean. Students color in a map of the North Pacific and then add stickers of different fish species based upon information provided on where the fish like to live. The link will provide a downloaded, color printable version of the exercise and "print your own" fish stickers in Adobe Acrobat format.

The Land-Sea Connection: A Teacher Curriculum
This teacher curriculum was developed to complement a new full-color, bathymetric and topographic map of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.  A Spanish translation of the curriculum can be accessed here.

Local Fisheries Knowledge Project
Through interviews with local fishermen, and others in fishing-related industries, students explore the connection between fisheries, their communities, and their own lives. In the process, students document and preserve the rich knowledge and experiences of these individuals for future generations.

Marine Education Links
Another page on this website has Marine Education links in categories: aquariums, oceans, whales, and environmental groups. This link is useful for getting to non-governmental partners of NOAA.

Musical Habitats
This is a classroom activity or game that is written for grades K-5 and on the web in a .PDF format. It teaches students about 6 different marine habitats in an active setting.

National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources
The site explains how the office protects endangered species, helps conserve marine mammals and works with the Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

National Marine Fisheries Service Science Resource Guide
This resource guide, originally developed as part of the 125th Anniversary activities for the National Marine Fisheries Service, can be used in the classroom for students K-12. The packet includes 48 marine fisheries and marine resources worksheets or outlines (plus answer sheets).

National Marine Mammal Laboratory's Education Website
In the interest of inspiring young people to learn about and care for marine mammals, the National Marine Mammal Laboratory has created this "Education Web" site. It is designed to answer basic questions about marine mammals and marine mammal science.

National Marine Sanctuaries Education Page
A diverse compilation of marine sanctuary resources. Includes a virtual tour of the sanctuary, puzzles, coloring books, online field guides, videos, and tutorials.

National Marine Sanctuary Education Activities
Guided by legislative goals, the National Marine Sanctuary program and field offices have evolved major scientific and education programs and activities over the past two decades. Educational activities from the various sanctuary programs can be found at this website.

National Undersea Research Program
Hundreds of National Undersea Research Program (NURP) scientists go underwater each year to study coral, reefs, volcanoes, mud and much more. While NURP's main mission is scientific research, its scientists also share their results through partnerships with education and outreach programs.

National Sea Grant Depository
The Depository is an archive of all Sea Grant publications and includes more than 72,000 items. This site is a searchable database in which teachers can enter key words to find a variety of materials. Examples of searches that teachers may consider include: classroom activities, curriculum, marine mammals, etc.

NEMO Education
The newest frontier in oceanographic research is within 200 miles of the coast of Oregon. Explore the deep ocean hot springs and the deep sea creatures.

NOAA Fisheries Services Galveston Laboratory
Galveston Laboratory have downloadable activities books on sea turtles and shrimp.

NOAA's Marine Sanctuaries Website
The mission of NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries Program is to serve as the trustee for the nation's system of marine protected areas, to conserve, protect, and enhance their biodiversity, ecological integrity and cultural legacy.

NOAA National Ocean Service Publications and Products
NOS headquarters and field offices support many web offerings that provide a rich array of content specific to their projects and activities. Most of these pages also provide content related links to many other sites around the country. Topics include: coastal management, coastal services, geodesy, maritime, response and restoration, tidal & oceanographic, science, Marine Sanctuaries & Reserves.

NOAA's Resource Guide for Teachers of Marine Science
This resource guide was prepared by staff of the National Marine Fisheries Service to provide a guide on Coastal Awareness in Science for elementary, junior high and high school science teachers. The guide is divided into a reference to books at the elementary, middle, and high school levels; as well as a section on teacher resources with curriculum guides, lesson plans, bibliographic collections, etc. and audiovisual materials for all age levels, includes CD-ROM, Film and Video.

This NOAA web mapping portal provides teachers, students, and others with a single website to access real-time meteorological, oceanographic, and river observations from a variety of federal, state, and university observing networks.

Ocean Discovery Center
Formal educational resources are organized within the Discovery Center, with a series of products that have been developed for educators and students at the high school level, but are easily adaptable for students at the middle school or undergraduate levels. Discovery Center resources include Discovery Kits, Discovery Stories, and the Discovery Classroom.

Ocean Discovery Kits
Discovery Kits describe the basic scientific principles underlying the applied science and activities of NOAA’s National Ocean Service. Designed for educators and students at the high school level, they are written in easy-to-read, non-technical language, and focus on the themes of oceans, coasts, and charting and navigation. Each Discovery Kit contains a tutorial, a Roadmap to Resources and lesson plans developed for students at the high school level.

Ocean Explorer
Scientists have significantly increased our understanding of the oceans cver the past few decades. Yet, 95 percent of the ocean remains unexplored. This site provides a platform to follow ocean explorations in near real-time, to learn about ocean exploration technologies, to observe remote marine flora and fauna in the multimedia gallery, to review NOAA's 200-year history of ocean exploration, and to discover additional NOAA resources in a virtual library.

Oceans: Into the Next Millennium of Oceanographic Research
This book, in .pdf format, gives an overview of all aspects of ongoing oceanographic research. It is written for students at the middle school (or higher) level, teachers and the general public.

Sustainable Fisheries Act Homepage
This homepage provides information relating to the implementation of marine fishery conservation and management laws by NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA's Fisheries). It provides the text of the Acts governing marine fisheries, details of progress in implementing recent changes to those laws, and the text of proposed regulations and other documents for public comment.

Sustainable Seas Expeditions Teacher Materials
The Sustainable Seas Expeditions strive to provide high-quality marine science teaching materials that are linked to national standards in science and geography. One of the main goals of the SSE is to provide teachers with the tools to bring new technologies, new knowledge and new learning opportunities to students.

Tales of Whales, Turtles, Sharks, and Snails: An Elementary Level Education Handbook
This is a marine study guide for Grades 4-6. The purpose of this publication is to increase the awareness, knowledge and literacy of elementary students in marine-related subjects.  It is not necessary to be in proximity to a coastal environment in order to benefit from the activities presented in this handbook.

The Bridge - Ocean Science Education Teacher Resource Center
The goal of the site is to provide educators with content-correct and content-current marine information and data; to support researchers in outreach efforts; and to improve communications among educators and between the education and research communities.

Viewing Protected Marine Species in the Wild
This webpage helps the public understand its responsibilities to marine mammals in the wild.


Atmospheric Resources:

A Paleoclimatological Perspective On Global Warming
Paleoclimatology is the study of past climate.  This web site features information about global change, global warming and more from the National Geophysical Data Center.

A Primer on the Space Environment
This site highlights information about the sun and some of the more important solar features such as sunsports, flares and aurora.

Arctic Theme Page
The education pages for this site include many educational resources.  Track the location of the North Magnetic Pole, learn about research conducted by arctic submarines, and study latitude.  The page also includes a polar climate section for young children.

Basics of Remote Sensing
This is an educational module that describes how to interpret the satellite imagery that is available on the Internet from a variety of sources. A broad array of satellite imagery is available and this site provides links to it.

Climate Prediction Center
The Climate Prediction Center serves the public by assessing and forecasting the impacts of short-term climate variability and emphasizing enhanced risks of weather-related extreme events. Educational materials include information on the ENSO cycle, fact sheets, and monographs.

Educational graphics on the Earth's atmosphere, global climate change and the Greenhouse Effect. 

Drought Science for Educators
This site, from the National Drought Mitigation Center, helps teachers of grades 5-12 incorporate drought into their lectures.

El Niño Theme Page
El Niño is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the Tropical Pacific Ocean having important consequences for weather and climate around the globe.  This page addresses El Niño, La Niña, and all related topics.

Global Observing Platforms Poster
A letter-sized poster in PDF format on NOAA Global Observing Platforms.

Historic Weather Events for the DC Area
This site provides a historical perspective of DC/Virginia/Maryland/West Virginia weather, including storms of the century and inauguration weather from the past.

Meteorological Calculator
With your very own meteorological calculator, you can convert air temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, calculate wind chill, relative humidity, and heat index.

National Climatic Data Center
This website is a pathway to connect with both national and global climate data sets used by the government and the private sector. The Center has a statutory mission to describe the climate of the United States and it acts as the Nation's scorekeeper regarding the trends and anomalies of weather and climate. The Center's web site lists a number of educational links.

National Snow and Ice Data Center
This site includes information on snow cover, avalanches, glaciers, ice sheets, freshwater ice, sea ice, ground ice, permafrost, atmospheric ice, paleoglaciology, and ice cores.  Education resources for teachers and students are available.

National Weather Association Annual Awards Program
This program includes the Arthur C. Pike Scholarship in Meteorology as well as other opportunities for students and meteorology teachers to earn financial support.

National Weather Service's Resources for Educators
This page provides links to NWS National and Regional office education web pages and, if available, to your local NWS office's education outreach webpage. It also provides links to demonstrations and projects which can be used by teachers; weather and oceanographic images; and the names of people in your area who can assist in weather and flooding education efforts.

NOAA's Satellites
NOAA operates the nation's system of environmental (weather) satellites and manages the processing and distribution of the millions of bits of data and images that these satellites produce daily. There are two types of satellites: the geostationary operational environmental satellites (GOES) for short-range warning and "now-casting". Click here to go to the main NOAA page on geostationary satellites. Polar-orbiting satellites are used for longer-term forecasting. Click here to learn more about the polar orbiting satellites. Both types of satellites are necessary for providing complete global weather monitoring.

NOAA Satellite and Information Service Education and Outreach
NOAA’s Satellites and Information Service manages data relating to the Earth and solar environments.  The education and outreach page provides links for anyone interested in learning more about our Earth-Sun environment.  Additional materials include posters, slide sets, visualizations, handouts, quizzes and more!

A research vessel specifically designed and dedicated to maintaining the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array of buoys. Throughout the year, the ship crosses the equator back and forth; recovering, deploying, and repairing TAO moorings. Various scientific projects are undertaken by the ship and a daily log is kept and placed on the Internet when the ship is at sea.

NOAA's Storm Watch
This is a roundup of NOAA weather websites. Find links to the latest weather forecasts around the USA and even around the world. Track storms through NOAA weather satellites, get the latest weather maps and learn how to protect yourself and your community from severe weather.

NOAA's Teacher at Sea on the Ron Brown
Follow the adventure of a NOAA Teacher at Sea on her journey with the ACE-Asia Research Program. The Aerosol Characterization Experiments (ACE) were designed to increase our understanding of how atmospheric aerosol particles affect the Earth's radiation balance by scattering or absorbing light and by acting as cloud forming nuclei. Susan Carty, a middle school teacher from Pennsylvania, worked with her class while she sailed the Pacific.

NOAA Research
Research, investigation experiences, and downloadable teaching materials for middle school science students and teachers.  Topics include El Niño, storms, atmosphere, fisheries, Great Lakes, and oceans.

NOAA Weather Radio
The voice of the National Weather Service. NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts National Weather Service watches, warnings and forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day.

North American Drought: A Paleo Perspective
This site was designed to explain how paleoclimatic data can provide information about past droughts and about the natural variability of drought over timescales of decades to millennia.

Office of Meteorology Publications
You can access safety publications on a wide range of weather-related topics. Publications include A Pilot's Guide to Aviation Weather Services, Safe Boating Weather Tips, Basic Spotter's Field Guide, and the mariner's guides. Some publications are printed in Spanish and others are in PDF format.

Past Weather
This is a roundup of NOAA Web sites that contain archived weather information. The NOAA Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC, is the world’s largest reservoir of archived climate and weather data. Official weather records date back to 1895. You can obtain certified weather information for a court case, building project or other purpose.

Resource Listing for Weather and Climate Instruction
This website assists educators with information about resources from the American Meteorological Society and Project Atmosphere including the formation of the Atmospheric Education Resource Agent (AERA) network, DataStreme, AAAS, and the American Geological Institute, including information about audiovisual materials, computer software, and data sources.

Satellite Meteorology Page
This page has been designed to offer high quality links to satellite training materials and tutorials, real-time imagery and animations, as well as GOES status reports.

Septic Education Made Simple
The Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, located in the state of Washington, developed a Septic Education Kit that has become one of the most innovative and comprehensive adult education curriculums on septic systems in the country. The Septic Education Kit includes user-friendly fact sheets that can be fine-tuned for any community.

Severe Weather Emergency Plan Guide
A guide to developing a severe weather emergency plan for schools.

Short Topic Papers on Space Environment
Topics: Navigation, Radio Wave Propagation, Aurora, the Relationship between Kp and the Aurora, the Ionosphere, and Solar Maximum.

Solar Physics and Terrestrial Effects (Grades 7-12 Curriculum Guide)
This is not a step-by-step guide; rather it is a resource to provide some state-of-the-art applications of physics and to enhance your existing course work. The guide has three parts: a short textbook, a hands-on activity guide and resource listings.

Solar-Terrestrial Terms Glossary
An A to Z listing of the terms you need to know when talking about the solar environment.

Student Activities in Meteorology
Classroom activities for middle school students, including Doppler Radar, Severe Weather, Wind Chill, Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Space Weather Monitoring.

Student Activities in Meteorology II
More classroom activities for middle school students, including the anatomy of clouds, forecasting severe weather, disappearing ozone, forecasting tornadoes, El Niño and La Niña, and the Greenhouse Effect.

Sunrise/Sunset and Solar Noon Calculator
Need to know exactly what time the sun will set on September 26, 2065? What was the time of sunrise on your birthday? Just go to NOAA's Solar Calculator, now available on the Web.

Sun-Wise School Program
This site helps educators of grades K-8 raise sun safety awareness.  SunWise Partner Schools sponsor classroom and school-wide activities that raise children's awareness of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and simple sun safety practices.

The Climate TimeLine Information Tool
This climate timeline explores causes and effects of climate changes, how these changes relate to human history, and more by using meteorological and climatic processes, as well as specific climate events of the past.

The Space Environment Center Home Page
We all know that the Sun is overwhelmingly important to life on Earth, but few of us have been given a good description of our star and its variations.

Teaching Space Weather
Talking points and a slide presentation for teaching space weather to middle school students.

Today's Space Weather
Take a look at the weather on the sun and compare it with yesterday’s weather.

Web Activities Using Scientific Data (Grades 6-12 and Adult Guide)
Learn to explore the Web using Browser tools and do scientific analysis using data from government and university sources. This is the Web version of the popular Internet Activities Using Scientific Data produced by the Space Environment Center and its education partners.

What is La Niña?
La Niña is characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific, compared to El Niño, which is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific.

World Weather Watch
An exciting classroom project. Report the weather in your neighborhood and compare to locales across the world.


Natural Disasters Resources:

American Red Cross - Talking About Disaster
This guide, in PDF format, helps people understand how to deal with natural disasters. It also helps you prepare a Family Disaster Plan and to outfit a disaster supplies kit.

Flash Riprock and the Bolt from the Blue
This is a lightning safety poster in PDF format that can be downloaded. It also lists lightning myths.

Hurricane Basics
This booklet, in PDF format, provides you with the anatomy of a hurricane and the ingredients that make these killer storms come alive. Graphics help the reader understand how the storms form.

Hurricane Names
Hurricanes have names that are taken from a central list. Is your name there? Take a look at the names for the World-Wide Tropical Cyclone Names that are to be used for storms in the Atlantic and the Pacific as well as the waters around Australia, the Fiji Islands and India.

Hurricane Tracking Chart
You can download this gif image of the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to northern South America and the Gulf of Mexico to track Atlantic hurricanes.

Lightning Kills, Play it Safe
In the United States, an average of 73 people is killed each year by lightning, more than the annual number of people killed by tornadoes or hurricanes. This National Weather Service site provides posters, brochures and other teacher materials.

Lightning Safety Outside
This RealMedia production tells how to assess the risks from lightning when outdoors and how to reduce the risks from danger.

Masters of Disaster
This project, developed by the Red Cross, provides teachers with information on disaster safety.

National Hurricane Center Homepage
The Tropical Prediction Center homepage can provide hours of interesting investigation on the subject of hurricanes. Learn from the section on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's), and about the history of noteworthy storms, hurricane direct hits on the mainland U.S. coastline and for individual states from 1900-1996, and lots more.

National Lightning Safety Page
A great deal of information about lightning safety.

National Severe Storm Laboratory's Weather Room
This page includes elementary school coloring books, information about various weather phenomena, weather lessons on the basic introduction to map analysis and interpretation, and information about weather careers.

Night of a Thousand Trains
This is a tornado safety poster in PDF format that can be downloaded. It also lists tornado myths.

NOAA's Fire Weather Information Center
Here you can find a roundup of various NOAA websites and information on the latest fire weather forecasts, including satellite images and graphics. Some external links are included for your convenience.

NOAA's Tsunami Education Resource Kit
If one 10 year old girl could save a hundred lives, think about how many more lives could have been saved if the residents and tourists were more informed about tsunamis. These educational resources will provide curricula and textbooks for K-12. Brochures, websites, hands-on activities, and visualizations will supplement an existing curriculum. A tsunameter will help elementary students visualize the difference between tsunami and tidal waves.

Online Lightning Quiz
Take an online lightning quiz to test your knowledge about this potentially dangerous weather phenomenon.

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
This scale is a 1-5 rating based on the hurricane's intensity. The scale is used to give an estimate of the potential property damage and flooding expected along the coast from a hurricane landfall.

Teachers Guide to Stratovolcanoes of the World
This Guide provides material to educators interested in using the Stratovolcanoes of the World poster published by the National Geophysical Data Center in August 2000.  For each volcano featured on the poster, NGDC provides a map showing the location of the volcano, a table of facts, a short fictional story to bring the volcano to life, and a section with questions to ponder, suggested activities, and additional references.  Simple activities suitable for grades 5-8 are also included.

Teachers' Resources regarding Natural Hazards
Teachers can select questions and answers from the Natural Hazards Quiz Database, take a look at the Natural Hazards Quiz reference list, view NGDC Hazards Photographs, and access the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering EQIIS Image Database, as well as view images of historical earthquakes.

Tornadoes...Nature's Most Violent Storms: A Preparedness Guide
Including Safety Information for Schools. This website explains how tornadoes form and what steps need to be taken to stay safe. This site also contains a Tornado Safety Plan for Schools.

VORTEX: Unraveling the Secrets
This project, Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment, helps teachers and students understand facts about tornadoes and shows how the scientific method of making observations, collecting data, and developing and testing hypotheses to reach an informed conclusion is used.


Regional Educational Resources:

Educational Offerings from Regional Centers
Regional NOAA Science Centers and laboratories provide educational resources for teachers and students.  Numerous websites exist to direct educators to educational materials and various region-specific activities and opportunities of which to take advantage.

NOAA in your state
Visit this site to find NOAA locations near you.

The Weather Where You Live
Check out your region's official weather forecast.


Visual resources:

Earth as Art
Here you can view your home planet through beautiful images taken by NASA satellites.

Earth Science World
A world of images at your fingertips. over 4400 images of everything from volcanoes and lakes to fossils and minerals, brought to you by the American Geological Institute

EXPLORES! Using Satellite Data
Florida State University implements the NOAA Direct Readout Program from the polar orbiting satellites.  To date the university has installed over 230 weather satellite ground stations designed to receive live imagery from NOAA 12, 14, and 15 satellites.

Fish and Invertebrate Species Photos
The Alaska Fisheries Science Center has a Fish and Invertebrates Species Identification Photo Gallery, searchable by species, family and phylum.

Historical Significant Events Imagery
This page contains archive images and movies which span the history of the NOAA satellite program. At this website, you will find hundreds of selected satellite images capturing some of the more important weather and environmental events over the last 30 years.

JetStream - An Online Weather School
The National Weather Service Online Weather School with information on weather and weather safety.  Site includes lessons on air masses, wind patterns, cloud formations, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, damaging winds, tornadoes, tropical storms, cyclones and flooding.

NOAA Photo Library
The NOAA collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of our shores and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species images ranging from the great whales to the most minute plankton.

Satellite Imagery of Significant Natural Events
This satellite imagery is available on the web daily Monday through Friday. The events include fires, floods, ice, oil spills, severe weather, snow, and other storms, as well as volcanic dust storms.

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Digital Image Library of Weather, Climate, and Earth System Imagery
Browse their collection of photographs and illustrations of clouds, lightning, tornadoes, floods, storms, air pollution, and more.

VENTS Video Clips
This site presents a selection of video highlights from NOAA/VENTS research activities, including Alvin and ROV dives, earthquake swarm animations, and computer-generated plume models

Windows to the Universe
A rich array of documents, including images, movies, animations, and data sets, that explore the Earth and Space sciences and the historical and cultural ties between science, exploration, and the human experience.

Downloadable posters for lightning and tornado safety.


NOAA Workshops and Summer Programs for Teachers:

The Bridge Summer Opportunities Page
An extensive listing of various summer opportunities for educators.

Channel Island Workshops
Each year the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary partners with other organizations to coordinate and host several workshops for teachers and marine educators. CINMS also conducts teacher workshops at local, regional and national professional conferences each year.

Marine Careers
The site includes overviews of the fields of marine biology, oceanography, and ocean engineering; a look at what the future is likely to hold for careers in these fields; links to a wide range of additional resources; information on salaries in various marine science fields; and other great stuff.

NOAA Ocean Explorer Program
The many professional development offerings listed here include opportunities for teachers and other educators to engage in learning more about ocean exploration. They focus on how educators can use the mathematics, science, and technology associated with exploring the oceans in their classrooms to help increase awareness and understanding of the ocean world.

Office of Global Programs Education and Outreach Products
NOAA has the primary task within the Federal Government to routinely provide climate forecasts and products to the nation and the Office of Global Programs assists in this capacity by sponsoring focused scientific research. This web site includes the “Reports to the Nation on Our Changing Planet” publication series: The Climate System, Our Ozone Shield, El Niño and Climate Prediction, Our Changing Climate.

Sea Grant Educators Network
The Sea Grant Educators Network offers a variety of resources for students and teachers.  At the national level, Sea Grant offers several fellowship opportunities for graduate students. These include Knauss marine policy fellowships in Washington, D.C., marine industry fellowships in cooperation with private industry, and joint fellowships with NOAA fisheries.

The Teacher at Sea Program
This program allows grade K-16 educators to apply for the opportunity to serve as a researcher on NOAA Ships.  The current application materials and ship schedules are available on-line.

Virtual Workshops
Online virtual teacher workshop focuses on new discoveries being made in ocean exploration, delves into historic and physical events newly found or still hidden in the ocean depths and discusses what needs to be known for effective marine conservation and management. Emphasis is on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Graduate credit is available. Registration is free.

What is Sea Grant?
Through this site, teachers can access the web sites of their local programs, which are located in coastal and Great Lakes States and Puerto Rico, and each of which has developed its own method of providing marine and coastal information to teachers. These methods include summer in-service programs, newsletters, lectures, speakers, field trip assistance, and curricula materials in print, electronic and video formats.


NOAA Resources for Students Page


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