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DOE HSS 2008 NSC Safety Survey


This survey of employee perceptions of safety and health conditions within our working environment was an effort to baseline the present conditions and status of safety and health across the HSS organization.

HSS intends to use the findings of this survey to develop a plan of action with milestones for future improvements to safety and health throughout the organization. We believe this survey instrument provides us with important information which will help us target our efforts to those areas and issues most in need of improvements. Subsequently, we plan to re-survey our workforce in 18-24 months as one method of determining the effectiveness of our efforts to enhance S&H across HSS.

Should you have questions, please direct them to David M. Smith at (301) 903-4669 or via e-mail at:


FEOSH logo Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health Program (FEOSH)
HS-31/270 Corporate Square Building U.S. Department of Energy,
1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20585-0270
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This page was last updated on March 25, 2009
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