Emerging Science Issues in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Process Analytical Technologies


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Emerging Science Issues in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Process Analytical Technologies


Emerging Regulatory Science Issue

Discussion Topic

Issue: Need for FDA to Facilitate Introduction of PAT

Ensuring High Efficiency of the US Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

A Perspective on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

A Perspective on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

When is the “right” time for process improvement?

Regulatory risks/uncertainty for process improvements

Current State: Dosage Forms

Current State:Pharmaceutical R&D and Manufacturing

Current State: Optimization

Current State: Material Science

Regulatory Challenge: Managing Changes

Current Quality Control Paradigm

Quality by Design? Product Development Knowledge (Public Databases or in Submissions)

An Example: Current Regulation of Powder Blending Operations

PPT Slide

Performance of a Solids Processing Units AIChE Journal 47: 107-125 (2001)

Today Trial-Error is the Norm Do SOP’s reflect established Heuristic rules?

Advantages of PAT for Blending

Non-homogeneous distribution of Magnesium stearate

Is Content Uniformity of “Critical” Excipients Such as Mg. Stearate Important?

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Beyond Blending

“Win-Win” Opportunities

Potential to Reduce Scrap and Recalls

Industry-FDA Debates

What Should FDA Do to Facilitate Introduction of PAT?

What Should FDA do to Facilitate Introduction of PAT?

How Should FDA Facilitate PAT?

Questions for the Science Board


Home Page: http://www.fda.gov/cder/ops/default.htm