Utilizing PAT to Monitor and Control Bulk Biotech Processes


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Utilizing PAT to Monitor and Control Bulk Biotech Processes

Presentation Preview

PAT Isn’t……..

PAT Is Only One Tool In The Process Improvement “Tool Box”

PAT Implementation in Manufacturing

PAT Implementation Philosophy

Bioprocess Characteristics

Typical Process Scale Chromatography

Why PAT? Our Major Driver:

Why PAT? Other Benefits Realized

PAT’s Utilized in Our Biotech Processes

Optical Sensor Applications

Optical Sensor Characteristics

Typical Installed UV Sensor

Cut Away View of Wedgewood UV Sensor

On-Line HPLC at Lilly

Lilly and Dionex DX800 On-Line HPLCs

Lilly On-Line HPLC Flow Diagram

PAT Examples

Example #1: Centrifuge Monitoring and Control

Example #2: Gradient Monitoring and Control

Example #3: Filtration Monitoring and Control

Example #4: Column Cycle Time Reduction

Modify For Parallel/Series Operation

Series Operation: Charge Protein Onto Column 2

Parallel Operation: Divert Salt to Waste

Parallel Operation: Collect Protein Product

Parallel Operation: Divert Impurity to Waste

Overall Cycle Time Reduced by 50%

Example #5: Enzymatic Reaction End Point Detection

Example #5: Enzymatic Reaction End Point Detection

Example #6: “Close Coupling” of 2 Batch Operation

Example #6: Manual Operation Elute Column #1 While Collecting Fractions

Example #6: Manual Operation Charge Fractions Onto Column #2

Example #6: Manual Operation Elute Column #2 While Collecting Fractions

Modify for Parallel/Series Operation

Add PAT To Enable Automation

Parallel Operation: Elute Column 1 to Waste

Series Operation: Charge Column 1 Heart Cut to Column 2

Parallel Operation: Elute Column 2 to Waste, Regen Column 1

Parallel Operation: Elute Column 2 to Product

Parallel Operation: Regenerate Column 2

Overall Throughput Increased 10 Fold


Enable New Technology: Process Scale Chromatography Post PAT


Author: Eli Lilly and Company

Home Page: http://www.fda.gov/cder/OPS/trainingprogram.htm

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