Scalise Announces $3 Million for Damaged Roads and Bridges


Friday, September 5, 2008

Metairie -- Congressman Steve Scalise today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation has made $3 million in emergency relief funds immediately available to Louisiana to help pay for urgent repairs for roads and bridges damaged by Hurricane Gustav.

“It is very important that our roads get cleared, our bridges reopened and we get back to normal traffic flow,” Scalise said. “I’m please to see the Department of Transportation responding quickly to our needs. These funds will help us remove debris and start the process of repairing our roads.”

This funding comes from the Federal Highway Administration’s emergency relief program. The program provides funds to states for repair or reconstruction of federal-aid highways damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic events. The program typically works on a reimbursable basis.  These emergency relief funds are provided from the General Fund of the Treasury and not the Highway Trust Fund.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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