Scalise Selected to Join Second Amendment Task Force


{Thursday, March 12, 2009}

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise was recently selected to be a member of the bi-partisan Second Amendment Task Force in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“As a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and am proud to have had an A+ rating with the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America,” Scalise said. “Through the bi-partisan Task Force we will work together to stop any form of legislation that intends to strip us of our Second Amendment rights. I have always been, and will continue to be, a vocal and active supporter of legislation that protects the integrity of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.”

The Task Force was created in the 111th Congress to monitor legislation regarding the Second Amendment in the U.S. House of Representatives.  It acts as a unified and proactive force to promote legislation that protects the Second Amendment and to fight legislation that poses a threat to citizens’ Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The bipartisan task force includes a very select group of Members from a wide spectrum of backgrounds that represent a large geographical area:

Hon. Dan Boren (D-OK), Task Force Co-Chair
Hon. Jason Altmire (D-PA)
Hon. Travis Childers (D-MS)
Hon. Brad Ellsworth (D-IN)
Hon. Jim Matheson (D-UT)
Hon. Mike McIntyre (D-NC)

Hon. Paul Broun (R-GA), Task Force Co-Chair
Hon. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT)
Hon. John Carter (R-TX)
Hon. John Boozman (R-AR)
Hon. Steve King (R-IA)
Hon. Steve Scalise (R-LA)


Contact: Luke Bolar

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