Scalise Thanks DHS Sec. Napolitano and FEMA Administrator Nominee Craig Fugate for Visiting New Orleans Region


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise today made the following statement regarding Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano’s visit to New Orleans.

“It is critically important that Sec. Napolitano and the new FEMA Administrator work with us to finally resolve the lingering recovery issues from Hurricane Katrina. There are many issues we need to resolve, starting with the backlog of more than 4,000 project worksheets which represent more than $3 billion of recovery money. I appreciate their visit to Southeast Louisiana and look forward to working with them to resolve these issues so we can be better prepared for and protected against future storms.

“While our country continues to face many challenges, it is important to keep our hurricane recovery issues at the forefront of this new administration so we can speed up the pace of our recovery. It is very encouraging to see Sec. Napolitano and the recently nominated FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate getting a first hand look at the region.”

Due to votes in the House of Representatives today, Congressman Scalise was in Washington D.C. and unable to attend the tour. Scalise’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Charles Henry, attended on his behalf.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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