Scalise Placed on Powerful Energy and Commerce Committee

Energy and Commerce is one of four “A” rated committees in the House

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise today was named to fill the last seat on the influential House Energy & Commerce Committee. After efforts by Republican leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Ranking Member Joe Barton (R-TX), Speaker Pelosi agreed to provide one more seat for Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee earlier this week.

The Majority party is responsible for deciding the ratios on each committee based on the number of Members in each party. The initial ratio of 36-22 was revised yesterday and the Republicans were given one additional seat.

Scalise made the following comment regarding today’s appointment to the Energy and Commerce Committee:

“This is an important committee to Louisiana’s economy, so this is great news for our state. Louisiana’s economy will greatly benefit from the policies we will be working on in the Energy and Commerce Committee. More than 30 percent of the nation’s domestic energy is produced by Louisiana, and we are a central contributor in America’s energy supply. Developing a strong comprehensive national energy policy is important to our country, and will help create good jobs in Louisiana.

“We also have jurisdiction over healthcare policies and technology related issues. While our nation faces great challenges, many of the policies that can get our economy back on track will come before this committee. I look forward to the challenges ahead, and I will make sure that Louisiana has a strong voice on the Energy and Commerce Committee.”

 Ranking Member Joe Barton (R-TX) said, “Congressman Scalise will make a great addition to the Energy and Commerce Committee. His leadership on oil and gas issues will be valuable as we work to develop a comprehensive national energy policy. He brings a great deal of knowledge and experience on energy and telecommunications issues to the committee, and I look forward to working closely with him to solve our nation’s energy crises.”

 Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said, “Steve is a leader on energy issues and his background will serve the Committee very well. He has been here working hard for Louisiana since he was first sworn in last May. The appointment to this committee is a testament to his hard work and commitment.”

The Energy and Commerce Committee has jurisdiction over the following issues among others:

• National energy policy and energy related issues
• Healthcare and health facilities and public health issues
• Oversight of the U.S. Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
• Biomedical research and development
• Interstate and foreign commerce and foreign communications
• Consumer affairs and consumer protection

Louisiana contributes nearly a third of all the oil and gas produced domestically, and has the greatest concentration of crude oil refineries, petrochemical production facilities, and natural gas processing plants in the Western Hemisphere.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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