Latest News

ESA Scopes Set for Launch
May 10, 2009
Planck telescope will detect microwaves made of photons left over from the big bang.
Gray arrow Article:  Miami Herald

Stars Stronger Than Steel
May 8, 2009
Crusts of neutron stars contain the densest and strongest material in the universe.
Gray arrow Article:  Science Now

Using Dead Stars to Spot Gravitational Waves
May 7, 2009
Millisecond pulsars could serve as ready-made recorders for gravitational waves.
Gray arrow Article: US News & World Report

When Comets Attack
May 7, 2009
Solving the mystery of the biggest natural explosion in modern history.
Gray arrow Article:  Popular Mechanics

Austria out of CERN
May 6, 2009
Austria is pulling out of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) due to budget concerns.
Gray arrow Article:  AFP

Hubble Finale
May 6, 2009
After 19 years orbiting hundreds of miles above Earth, Hubble Space Telescope gets its final makeover.
Gray arrow Article:  Fox News

Little Ice Age Unlikely
May 5, 2009
Recent lull in solar activity is probably nothing to worry about . . .
Gray arrow Article:  Space.Com

Fermi Telescope Mystery
May 2, 2009
At APS April Meeting, Fermi scientists revealed new details about cosmic mysteries.
Gray arrow Article:  China People's Daily

Extreme UV Challenges Einstein
May 1, 2009
Super-intense lasers' photoelectric effect may redefine when light is a wave or a particle.
Gray arrow Article:  Wired Magazine

New Executive Officer Announced

Smithsonian-Harvard Astrophysicist Selected

Kate Kirby After an extensive national search, APS is pleased to announce that Dr. Kate Kirby, research physicist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and lecturer in the Harvard University Department of Astronomy, has accepted the position of Executive Officer of APS

"Dr. Kirby will bring visionary leadership and commitment to the APS," said Dr. Cherry A. Murray, APS president. "We are thrilled at her appointment."

Dr. Kirby said she is elated about beginning her tenure at APS, July 13, 2009.

"Having served the Society for well over two decades as a volunteer on a number of committees, the Council and Executive Board, I am excited to be joining the APS leadership team," Dr. Kirby said. "I look forward to working with APS staff and the membership to advocate for physics in the public arena and to serve the community of physicists throughout the U.S. and the world."

Gray arrow  APS Press Release: Kate Kirby

Physics Graduate Education

report cover

Which Way Forward?

Directors of Graduate Studies from 66 of U.S. PhD-granting institutions met at the American Center for Physics in February 2008 to discuss trends and practices in graduate physics programs. The final report contains recommendations that emerged from major topics of discussion and includes a section on promising practices that departments and professional societies might adopt to implement the recommendations.

Gray arrow  Graduate Education Conference
Gray arrow  Graduate Education Report Format - PDF  (1MB)

2008 Annual Report

2008 Annual Report cover

A Year of Increase

In 2008, APS increased in journal submissions, membership, and meeting attendance, released landmark reports and a new journal, continued growth in all its programs—education, international affairs, minority physicists, outreach, and women physicists—and surpassed fund-raising goals.

Gray arrow  2008 Annual Report

APS Reports

Gray arrow  2008 Annual Report
Gray arrow  Energy Efficiency Report

Current Deadlines

Gray arrow  APS Video Contest: May 26
Gray arrow  Blewett Scholarship: June 1

Members in the News


Department of Energy
Bill Brinkman
Director of the Office of Science

Awards and Fellowships

AIP Andrew Gemant Award
Brian Schwartz

AIP Compton Leadership Medal
Neal Lane

Franklin Creativity Laureate
Lisa Randall

Science Stimulus

Who's Spending What?

Gray arrow  Track Agency Spending