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Computerized Accident Incident Reporting and Recordkeeping System (CAIRS)
Facts About CAIRS
  - References and Resources
  - Statistics
Standards Assistance
What's New

Accident Recordkeeping and Reporting

Accident/Incident Recordkeeping and Reporting CAIRS logo



blue dot CAIRS Database The Computerized Accident/Incident Reporting System is a database used to collect and analyze DOE and DOE contractor reports of injuries, illnesses, and other accidents that occur during DOE operations.
blue dot CAIRS Registration Form CAIRS is a Government computer system and, as such, has security requirements that must be followed. Access to the database is open to DOE and DOE contractors. Additional information regarding CAIRS registration maybe found here.
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Facts About CAIRS This section provides answers to some basic questions about the CAIRS database. It includes information on accessing the database and provides a summary of some of the information contained in the system.

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References and Resources This section provides a link to various DOE and external references used in the accident recordkeeping and reporting program, including the Users' Manual for CAIRS, the OSHA Recordkeeping webpage, frequently asked questions, and the DOE directives which establish the reporting requirements.

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Statistics This site contains links to various summary accident information, as reported by DOE and DOE contractor organization. A link is also provided to the Bureau of Labor Statistics webpage, where similar occupational injury and illness accident information is available.

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 Standards Assistance The OSH Regulatory and Policy Response Line provides assistance to DOE and DOE contractors on questions on applicability of various standards, including the accident recordkeeping. This site provides a link to the DOE Standards Response Line and to the OSHA Letters of Interpretation.

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 Training This section provides a link to the CAIRS Direct Data Entry On-line Training Module, which is a self-paced training module that allows users to complete training on electronic submittal of CAIRS reports. This page also includes notifications of upcoming workshops or training that may be of interest to the recordkeeping and reporting program managers.

blue dot What's New Provides a link to notify CAIRS users of various items of interest including, changes in organization codes and issuance of or changes in formats of quarterly summary reports.

This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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