Research Facilities

DOE’s National Laboratories and Technology Centers offer technology transfer, patent licenses, and technical assistance programs. The labs routinely make their user facilities and equipment available to industry, business, government agencies, and other researchers.

Ames Laboratory
Chemical, engineering, materials, mathematical and physical sciences.

Argonne National Laboratory
Basic science research in the physical, life, and environmental sciences.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Basic and applied science and technology research.

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
High-energy physics.

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Science and engineering solutions, and environmental cleanup.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Advanced materials, life sciences, energy efficiency, detectors, and accelerators.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Science and engineering related to national security and nuclear weapons.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Science and engineering related to national security and nuclear weapons.

National Energy Technology Laboratory
Fossil energy exploration, supply, and end-use technologies.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Renewable energy and efficiency.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Neutron, chemical & radiochemical, biological, energy, engineering and robotics, environmental, high performance computing, materials, measurement, physical, chemical, and simulation sciences.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Environmental, energy, chemical, biotechnology/medical, security technologies, information technology, instrumentation, and materials.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Fusion energy and plasma physics research.

Sandia National Laboratories
Science and engineering related to national security and nuclear weapons.

Savannah River National Laboratory
Applied research and development related to national and homeland security, energy security, and environmental and chemical processing technology.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Electron accelerators, high-energy physics, and synchronotron radiation research.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Nuclear physics, accelerator science.

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