Argonne National Laboratory


U.S. Department of Energy

Argonne Research Programs

Argonne National Laboratory is recognized for its excellence in connecting basic research to innovative technology. Argonne's research programs fall into four broad categories:

Basic Science

Basic Science seeks solutions to a wide variety of scientific challenges. Argonne is at the cutting edge in the evolving nanoscience revolution and in understanding the fundamental properties of space, time and matter. Argonne is also a key player in accelerator-based science and a leader in extending the benefits of high-performance computing to other research areas.

Energy Resources

Energy Resources programs help insure a reliable supply of efficient and clean energy for the future. Argonne plays a leading role in bringing together scientists and engineers to produce world-class solutions to complex and difficult national, economic and energy-security issues facing the nation.

Environmental Management

Argonne's Environmental Management programs help solve the nation's environmental problems and promote responsible environmental stewardship throughout society. Research in this area includes alternative energy systems; environmental risk and economic impact assessments; hazardous waste site analysis and remediation planning; and new technologies to safely dispose of spent nuclear fuel.

National Security

Argonne is a leader in applying basic and applied science to develop new technologies for homeland security. This research is helping develop highly sensitive instruments and technologies to detecting chemical, biological and radioactive threats and identify their sources. Other research is helping to detect and deter possible weapons proliferation or actual attacks.

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