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Business Operations
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Business Operations
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Human Resources and Administration
Mission & Functions
Information Management
Human Resources and Adminstration
Business Operations

Office of Business Operations
(Reports to the Office of Resource Management)

Mission and Functions


The Office of Business Operations manages financial and acquisition management programs throughout the Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS), including the formulation and execution of the HSS budget; funding control and accounting activities; preparation of management studies; and provision of acquisition management support.


  • Manages and oversees the acquisition, use, and disposition of federal property supporting HSS.

  • Manages and oversees the negotiation and approval of contracts and binding agreements with other federal, state, and local agencies.

  • Manages the development of the HSS budget to include the following areas of emphasis: (1) coordinates and prepares programmatic budget guidance to field elements in conjunction with the Controller's Field Budget Call; (2) integrates and synchronizes field element budget requests into a consolidated HSS budget request, prepares backup, supplementary, and crosscut budget materials/schedules; (3) explains, defends and justifies the HSS budget to the DOE Chief Financial Officer and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); (4) assists the Department and OMB in the development and preparation of the President's Budget; and (5) explains, defends and justifies the President's Budget for HSS to Congress.

  • Provides direction and control to prepare and coordinate matters related to HSS management resources for: (1) Congressional testimony and transcripts; (2) responses to questions from OMB and Congress; and (3) HSS Inserts for the Record.

  • Integrates, synchronizes, and focuses HSS Program and Program Direction funding through the budget life cycle from development through execution.

  • Compiles the DOE Safeguards and Security Crosscut budget by obtaining budget data from other DOE program offices.

  • Manages the execution of the HSS budget to include the following areas of emphasis: (1) distributes the Approved Funding Programs (AFP) to HSS program offices and coordinates AFP changes requested by those offices; (2) prepares and coordinates HSS reprogramming, omnibus budget requests and supplemental requests; (3) analyzes accounting reports and other documents to identify and reconcile budget execution problems or errors; and (4) advises HSS managers on budget execution trends. Assists in specific issues such as travel, training, working capital fund, support services and other related expenses.

  • Manages Procurement Office liaison and maintains oversight of all HSS contracts.

  • Ensures HSS complies with procurement statutes, regulations and policies. Advises HSS managers on short and long-range procurement strategies to ensure proposed procurements are compatible with the Department mission, objectives, and projected program requirements.

  • Manages the coordination and approval process for procurement documentation and the preparation of solicitation packages. Coordinates justifications for noncompetitive procurements and, if applicable, for contract ratifications.

  • Coordinates with the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity for the small business goals.

  • Manages and establishes HSS financial and procurement policies and procedures.


This page was last updated on February 25, 2009
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