Welcome to the Storm Water Team Web interface

The Storm Water Permit Team administers all Storm Water related General Permits. The Storm Water Team is responsible for administrative and technical review of applications and storm water pollution prevention plans submitted for coverage under storm water general permits.

We review Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, (SWPPP’s) conduct compliance assistance and provide education programs to the regulated community and general public. And, we provide technical information to help industry comply with the provisions of West Virginia’s Storm Water General Permits.

There are three General Storm Water Permits. The Storm Water Construction General Permit covers all earth-disturbing construction activities that are one acre and greater.

The Multi-Sector Storm Water Permit covers storm water effluent from certain Industrial Activities.

Our third General Permit covers Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4’s) as described under Phase II of the EPA Storm Water Program. This permit covers storm water discharges from certain municipalities and other public entities such as hospitals, universities, highways, and prisons.