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Former Worker Program (FWP)
What's New
Program Statistics
Program Fact Sheets by State
Program Brochure
Covered Sites/Populations
   Construction Worker Screening Projects
   Production Worker Screening Projects
   Supplemental Screening Program
   Beryllium Vendor Screening Program
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Health and Safety

Former Worker Medical Screening Program

What's New

blue bullet FWP Project Updates

  Ames Laboratory and Burlington Atomic Energy Commission Plant (otherwise known as Iowa Army Ammunition Plant)
  Building Trades National Medical Screening Program - multiple DOE sites
  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory, CA
  Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory, NM
  National Supplemental Screening Program - multiple DOE sites
  Worker Health Protection Program - Idaho National Laboratory, Mound, Fernald, Y-12, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Portsmouth, Paducah, and K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Plants
blue bullet 2008 Former Worker Medical Screening Program Annual Report PDF HTML
blue bullet Report on Screening for Beryllium Sensitization and Disease in Former DOE Federal and Contractor Workers through      December 2005

This page was last updated on April 14, 2009
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