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Pacific Northwest Region
Boise, Idaho
Media Contact:
David Walsh
(208) 378-5026
Chuck Garner
(509) 575-5848 ext, 205

Released On: May 07, 2009

Yakima Basin Water Supply - May Forecast Released
The Bureau of Reclamation has just released the May 2009, forecast for irrigation water supply in the Yakima Basin. The forecast is based on flow data, the snowpack, and precipitation data.

"We are expecting a slightly above normal water supply at this time," said Chuck Garner, Yakima Project River Operations supervisor. "The May 2009 forecast indicates a full water supply for all water users."

As of May 1, system storage was 87 percent full and 118 percent of average.

"The reservoir system storage is above average and the snowpack has held up very nicely in April with near normal precipitation. Spring temperatures have been below average so snowmelt runoff has been slow in coming. This leaves more runoff to meet late spring and summer needs." Garner said.

At this time both junior and senior water rights holders are expected to receive their full water supply. Specific water delivery levels will not be determined until later in the year.

The weather conditions that determine precipitation, the run-off timing, and demand for water are critical in determining whether the reservoirs fill, the amount of water available for irrigation, and possible rationing levels. If warm weather prompts an early snowmelt run-off and dry conditions prevail the situation could worsen.

Water demands requiring storage releases, even prior to storage control, may be charged to the users" total entitlement.

Reservoir storage on May 1, 2009

Reservoir Content (acre-ft) Total Capacity percent of Capacity Keechelus 141,775 157,800 90% Kachess 231,850 239,000 97% Cle Elum 366,788 436,900 84% Bumping 13,760 33,700 41% Rimrock 174,901 198,000 88% Totals 929,074 1,065,400 87%

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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov.