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The Pacific Northwest Cooperative
Agricultural Weather Network


AgriMet Five Day Archive Weather Data

AgriMet "Archive" weather data are summary values of observed hourly and 15 minute values. These summary values include such parameters as maximum, minimum, and average air temperatures, total solar radiation, total daily wind run, etc. These archive values are subjected to a higher degree of quality control than the 15 minute and hourly observations that they are computed from. For an explanation of the archive parameter codes, see key to archive weather data parameters. To see which hourly and 15 minute parameters are collected at a specific AgriMet station, see AgriMet weather station instrumentation.

Idaho Stations
ABEI Aberdeen, Idaho
AHTI Ashton, Idaho
BOII Boise, Idaho
DENI Dworshak - Dent Acres, Idaho
FAFI Fairfield, Idaho
FTHI Fort Hall, Idaho
GDVI Grandview, Idaho
GFRI Glenns Ferry, Idaho
KTBI Kettle Butte, Idaho
MALI Malta, Idaho
MNTI Monteview, Idaho
NMPI Nampa, Idaho
PICI Picabo, Idaho
PMAI Parma, Idaho
RTHI Rathdrum Prairie, Idaho
RPTI Rupert, Idaho
RXGI Rexburg, Idaho
TWFI Twin Falls, Idaho

Montana Stations
CRSM Creston, Montana
COVM Corvallis, Montana
DRLM Deer Lodge, Montana
RDBM Roundbutte, Montana
SIGM St. Ignatius, Montana

Oregon Stations
AGKO Agency Lake, Oregon
ARAO Aurora, Oregon
BANO Bandon, Oregon
BATO Beatty, Oregon
BEWO Bend, Oregon
BKVO Baker Valley, Oregon
BRKO Brookings, Oregon
CHVO Christmas Valley, Oregon
CRVO Corvallis, Oregon
DEFO Dee Flat, Oregon
DTRO Detroit Lake, Oregon
ECHO Echo, Oregon
FOGO Forest Grove, Oregon
HERO Hermiston, Oregon
HOXO Hood River, Oregon
HRFO Hereford, Oregon
HRMO Hermiston (Harec), Oregon
IMBO Imbler, Oregon
KFLO Klamath Falls, Oregon
LAKO Lakeview, Oregon
LORO Lorella, Oregon
MDFO Medford, Oregon
MRSO Madras, Oregon
ONTO Ontario, Oregon
PARO Parkdale, Oregon
PCYO Prairie City, Oregon
PNGO Pine Grove, Oregon
POBO Powell Butte, Oregon
WRDO Worden, Oregon

Washington Stations
BNDW Bonneville Dam, Washington
CHAW Chamokane, Washington
CJDW Chief Joseph Dam, Washington
GCDW Grand Coulee Dam, Washington
GERW George, Washington
GOLW Goldendale, Washington
HRHW Harrah, Washington
KFLW Kettle Falls, Washington
LBRW Lake Bryan - Rice Bar, Washington
LEGW Legrow, Washington
LIDW Lind, Washington
MASW Manson, Washington
ODSW Odessa, Washington
OMAW Omak, Washington
SBMW Seven Bays Marina, Washington
SILW Silcott Island, Washington (near Clarkston)

California, Nevada, and Wyoming Stations
AFTY Afton, Wyoming
CEDC Cedarville, California
EURN Eureka, Nevada
FALN Fallon, Nevada