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Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Banks Lake Drawdown


The Final EIS includes responses to all comments received on the January 2003 Draft EIS, and revisions and additions to the analysis as a result of those comments. The Final EIS examines the impacts of annually lowering the water surface elevation of Banks Lake in August from 1,565 feet to 1,560 feet.

Two alternatives are considered in the Final EIS; a No Action Alternative and an Action Alternative. The No Action Alternative describes the conditions that would occur without the proposed action, with the August water surface elevation between 1,570 feet, which is the full pool water surface elevation, and 1,565 feet.

The Action Alternative describes the resource conditions that would occur at Banks Lake with August water surface elevations between 1,570 feet and 1,560 feet. The Action Alternative resulted from the National Marine Fisheries Service’s December 2000 Biological Opinion, Action 31, which advised Reclamation to assess a 10-foot August drawdown of Banks Lake.

In the analysis, both alternatives included refill of the reservoir to water surface elevation 1,570 feet by September 22.

A 10-foot drawdown would result in adverse impacts to recreation, resident fish, vegetation, cultural resources, and the local economy around Banks Lake. There would also be adverse impacts to federal and non-federal power production.

A record of decision, completed in June 2004, identified the “No Action” alternative as the selected course of action on the Banks Lake Drawdown. Additional questions can be addressed to Jim Blanchard at the Ephrata Field Office, (509) 754-0226 or (509) 754-0239 fax.

Instructions for File Download

In order to view the PDF files, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader software loaded on your computer. Download software from www.adobe.com.

All text files provided are formatted for double sided printing. The figure files are listed individually to ensure print quality while minimizing download size. These files, both text and figures, are supplied at print-level quality.

Environmental Impact Statement

06/2004 Record of Decision 44 kb

05/2004 Complete EIS 4 mb

Summary Only 372 kb

Cover and TOC 715 kb
Summary 372 kb
Chapter 1 136 kb
Chapter 2 531 kb
Chapter 3 1.3 mb
Chapter 4 427 kb
Chapter 5 208 kb
Appendix A 870 kb
Appendix B 654 kb
Appendix C 207 kb
Appendix D 517 kb
Appendix E 379 kb
Bibliography 172 kb
Distribution List 110 kb
List of Preparers 134 kb
Index 111 kb

Comments & Responses

Cover, TOC, List of Commenters 463 kb

Federal Agency 2.2 mb
Indian Tribe 713 kb
Congress & WA Legis 627 kb
State & Local Govt 19.8 mb
Irrigation Districts 9.5 mb
Interested Entities & Individuals 7.9 mb

Federal Agency 160 kb
Indian Tribe 146
Congress & WA Legis 148 kb
State & Local Govt 227 kb
Irrigation Districts 154 kb
Interested Entities & Individuals 155 kb

Last Update: February 26, 2009 1:25 PM