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The Pacific Northwest Cooperative
Agricultural Weather Network


AgriMet Weather Station Equipment and Sensors

Equipment Manufacturer
Data Logger Model CR10X Campbell Scientific, Inc.
GOES Transmitter Model TX312 Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Yagi Antenna, Model 5000-0080 Sutron, Inc.
10 Watt Solar Panel Model MSX-10 Solarex, Inc.
31-PHD Workaholic Battery Interstate Batteries, Inc.
Station Tripod U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
NEMA 4-E Enclosure Model A-24 H20 CLP Hoffman, Inc.
Sensors Manufacturer Sensor Height
Pyranometer Model LI-200 Licor, Inc. 3 meters
Wind Monitor Model 05103 RM Young, Inc. 2 meters
Air Temperature Thermistor Model 44030 YSI, Inc. 2 meters
Relative Humidity Sensor Model HMP 35A/45D Vaisala, Inc. 2 meters
Temperature/RH Radiation Shield Model 41002P RM Young, Inc. 2 meters
Tipping Bucket Precipitation Gage Model 6011A/6010 All Weather, Inc. 2 meters
Tipping Bucket Precipitation Gage Model TB3 Hydrological Services, Ltd. 2 meters
Universal Storage Precipitation Gage Belfort Instruments, Inc. 2 meters
Soil Temperature Thermistor Model 44030 YSI, Inc. 1,2,4,8,20,40 inches
Leaf Wetness Sensor Model 237 Campbell Scientific, Inc. Variable
Barometer Model PTB 101B Vaisala, Inc. 2 meters
Evaporation Pan Novalynx, Inc. 12 inches