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Climate changing 'faster, stronger, sooner'

A new World Wildlife Fund report indicates that climate change is happening more rapidly than scientists' previous predictions indicated.

  • Global warming is accelerating more rapidly than predicted by the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report published in 2007
  • Summer sea ice is now forecasted to completely disappear in the summer months sometime between 2013 and 2040 - something which hasn't happened in over a million years.
  • World food production is being affected by the temperature change: wheat, maize and barley production worldwide has dwindled.

Climate changing 'faster, stronger, sooner'
By Matthew Knight
October 20, 2008

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Climate change is happening faster than previously predicted according to a new World Wildlife Fund report.

The WWF say climate change threat has worsened in the 15 months since the IPCC last reported.
Bringing together some of the most recent scientific reports and data, "Climate change: faster, stronger, sooner" reveals that global warming is accelerating more rapidly than the predictions made in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report published in 2007.

One of the most concerning aspects of recent data is evidence that, in some places, the Arctic Ocean is losing sea ice 30 years ahead of current IPCC predictions.

Summer sea ice is now forecasted to completely disappear in the summer months sometime between 2013 and 2040 -- something which hasn't happened for over a million years.

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