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NMMSS Users Guide
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2009 Annual Users Training Meeting
Annual Users Training Meeting
NMMSS I Training
NMMSS II Training
Individualized Site Training
NMMSS Training for NRC

SAMS Overview
SAMS 2006 Meeting Presentations
International Atomic Energy Agency
Foreign Obligations
NRC Licensee
DOE Contractor
NMMSS 2009 Conference
NMMSS 2009 Conference Registration
NMMSS 2009 Conference Brochure
NMMSS Contacts
NRC Logo
NMMSS Logo U.S. Department of Energy / U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Nuclear Materials Management & Safeguards System
Eagle with US Flag

SAMS Overview

SAMS is a facility-based version of the Nuclear Material Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS) software, managed by NAC International, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The SAMS software package provides the NMMSS user the ability to input data and perform edit checks at their facility for transactions, material balance reports, and inventories. The functionality of the system is similar to the NMMSS, enabling the user to resolve problems and make corrections prior to sending the data to NMMSS. The data can be exported to a text file to send to NMMSS via electronic media, direct link, encrypted email or DOE's Secure Information Management Exchange (SIMEX).

If you are interested, please send an email to with a subject statement saying “I need SAMS training now”. Within the email please provide your name, company and contact information. We need as many people as possible to host a class. So, do not hesitate to let us know that you want SAMS training.

SAMS 5.1 is now available! Click here to request a copy.

NMMSS is sponsored by the Office of Health, Safety, and Security within the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This page was last updated on February 21, 2009
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