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Voluntary Protection Program
HSS VPP Committee
General Information
Site VPP Tools
Program Procedures
Reports and Publications
Business Case for Safety - $
The President, Congress and VPP
Value Added of VPP
VPP Points of Contact
DOE VPP Steering Committee
Participant Status
   Site and Award Status
Related Links
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Health and Safety

Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)

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VPP Steering Committee - The Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program (DOE-VPP) Federal Field Steering Committee is a group of Federal field office staff members from offices where at least one contractor organization is participating in the DOE-VPP. This Committee provides input and support to the Office of Worker Safety and Health Assistance.

e-VPP - An "E-Gov" activity directly supporting the President's Management Agenda and his direction that, "Our success depends on agencies working as a team across traditional boundaries to better serve the American people, focusing on citizens rather than individual agency needs."

General Information - A broad statement defining major aspects of DOE-VPP.

Site VPP Tools - Safety and Health tools, programs and procedures developed by Voluntary Protection Program participants.

Program Procedures- The four volumes of DOE-VPP procedures describing the general structure and requirements of the overall program.

Reports and Publications - DOE-VPP On-site Evaluations, Protocol for Site Re-certification Reviews and copies of the Starburst newsletters.

Business Case for Safety - Articles, reports and other publications showing the business case and return on investment for safety and health programs.

Congress, The President, and VPP - Articles, reports and other publications showing support for VPP within the United States Congress and by the President.

Value Added of VPP - Documents and articles providing an assessment of the value added by VPP within the Department of Energy (DOE).

VPP Points of Contact - Chart of the points of contact for the DOE-VPP; primarily contractor and Federal field points of contact.

VPP Events/Calendar - Calendar of events, conferences, programs and training.

DOE VPP Sites - A listing of organizations participating and recognized in the DOE-VPP.

VPP Outreach Program - Reference charts for the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association (VPPPA) staff and a link to the VPPPA listing of OSHA’s VPP sites.

Participant Status - A chart showing DOE-VPP participant contractors by location/site; the date of the last review, current program status and next action date, the Assistant Secretarial Program Office having jurisdiction and the average employment.

Site and Award Status - Links to VPP Site and Award Status Information.

Related Links - Links to VPP related information.

Archive - Articles, documents and other technical information.

Contact Us - Questions? Please contact us.

Idaho Operations Office in Idaho Falls, ID VPP Sites in Richland, Washington Nevada Operations Office Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) in Las Vegas, NV Waste Isolation Pilot Project in Carlsbad, NM Strategic Petrolium Reserve Project Management Office in Freeport, TX Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Management Office in Winnie, TX Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Management Office in Hackberry, LA Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Management Office in Plaquemine, LA Kansas City Plant in Kansas City, MO Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) in Oak Ridge, TN Savannah River Operations Office in Aiken, SC Ohio Field Office in Fernald, OH West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) in West Valley, NY

This page was last updated on April 01, 2009
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