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Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park

This website provides links to famous participants in the battles around Fredericksburg as well as well known people such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln who visited what is now the park.


*Jubal Early Biographical sketch
*Jubal Early Biographical sketch and photo
*Richard Ewell Biographical sketch and photo
*John Gordon Biographical sketch and photo
*John Gordon Lengthy biographical sketch and photo
*A.P. Hill Biographical sketch and photo
*A.P. Hill The most detailed website on General Hill.
*John Bell Hood Biographical sketch and photo
*John Bell Hood More detailed information on General Hood
*Jedediah Hotchkiss Photo and biographical sketch. Stonewall Jackson's topographer
*Stonewall Jackson VMI website on Jackson with great information and links
*Stonewall Jackson Photo and biographical sketch
*Richard Kirkland Biographical sketch and photo of Kirkland Monument
*Robert E. Lee Good information and links
*Robert E. Lee Historical Preservation Site Lots of information and links
*James Longstreet Chronicles. Good information and links
*James Longstreet Biographical sketch
*Lafayette McLaws Biographical sketch and links
*John Pelham Biographical sketch and photo
*George Pickett Biographical sketch
*JEB Stuart Biographical sketch


*Ambrose Burnside Biographical sketch and photo
*Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Pages
*Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Biographical sketch and photo
*George Armstrong Custer Photo and biographical sketch. Custer was present during the Battle of Fredericksburg and participated in the Battle of The Wilderness and Todd's Tavern. He also used Chatham as a headquarters in the late summer of 1863.
*US Grant Network Lots of information and links
*Winfield Scott Hancock Biographical information and links
*Winfield Scott Hancock Biographical sketch and photo
*Oliver Wendell Holmes Information and links. Holmes served as a captain in the 20th Massachusetts in battles around Fredericksburg and was wounded at 2nd Fredericksburg. He was later a Supreme Court Justice and one of the most influential men in early 20th century America.
*Joseph Hooker Source Page Photos, biographical sketch and links
*George Meade Biographical information and links
*Nelson Miles Biographical sketch and photo
*John Reynolds Biographical sketch and photo
*Washington Roebling Roebling designed the Brooklyn Bridge and served as an engineer with the Army of the Potomac. Biographical sketch
*Washington Roebling Biographical information emphasizing his civilian engineering feats
*John Sedgwick Biographical sketch and photo
*John Sedgwick Biographical sketch and information on his death with links to additional information
*Phil Sheridan Biographical sketch and photo
*Daniel Sickles Biographical sketch and photo
*George Sykes Biographical sketch and photo

Other Prominent People Associated With The Battles

The following people were at Chatham during the war when it was used as a hospital.

*Clara Barton at Chatham
*Dorthea Dix Biographical sketch and photo
*Dr. Mary Walker She was a physician in the Civil War. The Congressional Medal of Honor was given to her in 1865 and then rescinded in 1917, possibly in her case because she became a suffragette but at the same time some 1000 Medals of Honor were rescinded in an effort to "increase the prestige of the grant." She refused to actually return the medal and wore it all her life. In 1977 the U.S. Congress reinstated the medal (posthumously, of course). She is the only woman from the Civil War (and still possibly the only woman) to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. Her name appears on a plaque in the Pentagon.
*Walt Whitman He assisted doctors at Chatham

Other Prominent People Associated With The Park 

*George Washington often visited Chatham Manor since he grew up on the adjoining property now called Ferry Farm.
*Thomas Jefferson was a good friend of the Fitzhugh's who built Chatham. Recent research documents Jefferson's presence at Chatham. Other famous people who have been in Chatham Manor besides many Union generals and 20th century historians include George C. Marshall, Senator Edward Kennedy and possibly Dwight David Eisenhower. Among the 15 owners of Chatham are William Fitzhugh who was well known in Colonial Virginia and John Lee Pratt who was Chairman of the Board of General Motors.


Cedar Mountain  

Did You Know?
Cedar Mountain is the only battle in which "Stonewall" Jackson tried to raise his sword. However the sword had rusted in the scabbard and Jackson had to raise the scabbard with the sword inside it to rally his troops.

Last Updated: November 29, 2008 at 15:48 EST