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Office of Science and Technology Partnerships

!home_ostp_title.jpg!              About OSTP            Contacts

The CCR Office of Science and Technology Partnerships (OSTP) identifies, evaluates and makes available new technologies and scientific resources to CCR investigators through partnerships, collaborations, contracts and other technology transfer agreements with outside organizations, including the private sector.

Areas of Focus

•    Genomics Technologies and Services  


•    Protein Technologies and Services

•    Antibody Development

•    CCR Antibody Production and Purification Lab

•    CCR Bioinformatics/Biostatistics Resources

•    CCR Genome Analysis Unit

•    Technology Development and Access to Core Resources (ATP)

•    OSTP Technology Subsidy Program

Ordering Instructions and Web-based subsidy requests forms for selected technologies supported by the OSTP (CCR investigators only)

•    Other Mechanisms for Supplemental Funding

OSTP serves as coordinator and facilitator of interactions between CCR investigators, private  sector, and the Technology Transfer Center

Added by Jeff Shilling , last edited by David Goldstein on Apr 15, 2009 16:47

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