National Nutrient 
Databank Conference

The NUTRIENT DATABANK CONFERENCE is held annually to foster communication among nutrient data base generators and users.  Participation is open to researchers from academia, the food industry, government and other interested parties.

Future Conferences

33rd National Nutrient Databank Conference

Innovations in Food Composition and Nutrition Research:  A Global Perspective

When:             Friday, April 17, 2009 (one day).

Where:            New Orleans, LA.

                        Satellite conference with the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting.

Cost:               There is no registration fee, but participants must register to attend.  Registration deadline is
                         March 31, 2009.  If you have already preregistered and received confirmation, you do not need
                         to register again. 

                        Abstract Submission is now closed.

                        The conference program is now available.


Nutrient Databank Directory 2008

A committee of The National Nutrient Databank Conference has compiled an updated directory of software applications and their accompanying food composition databases, and of the reference databases that are sources of the food composition values and supporting information.  

This directory is intended to assist potential users in determining which combination of program and database might best meet their needs.  It will also be a resource for students and others who want to learn about and compare selected database and software features.  

International Nutrient Databank Directory

--The National Nutrient Database Directory Committee


Past Conferences

32nd National Nutrient Databank Conference
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
. - May 12-14, 2008 

31st National Nutrient Databank Conference
Washington, D.C. - April 27, 2007 
(Satellite to Experimental Biology)

30th National Nutrient Databank Conference

Honolulu, Hawaii - September 18-20, 2006

29th National Nutrient Databank Conference

San Diego, California - April 1, 2005
(Satellite to Experimental Biology)


28th National Nutrient Databank Conference
Iowa City, Iowa, June 24-26, 2004


5th International Food Data Conference
27th National Nutrient Databank Conference

Washington, DC, June 29 - July 3, 2003

26th National Nutrient Databank Conference
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 5-8, 2002

25th National Nutrient Databank Conference
Orlando, Florida, March 30, 2001

24th National Nutrient Databank Conference
St. Paul, Minnesota, July 27-29, 2000

23rd National Nutrient Databank Conference
Washington, DC, April 16,1999

22nd National Nutrient Databank Conference 
San Francisco, California, April 17, 1998

21st National Nutrient Databank Conference
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 20-22, 1996

Proceedings to Earlier Conferences

Last modified: February 13, 2009