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PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA will post online nine names that are finalists for the agency's Mars Science Laboratory mission and invite the public to vote for its favorite. The non-binding poll to help N   MORE >>
Mars Science Laboratory Fact Sheets Mars Science Laboratory Fact Sheet (PDF) Mars Science Laboratory Radiological Contingency Planning for the Launch (PDF) Mars Science Laboratory Draft Environmental   MORE >>
  QuickTime Video (177 MB)    |   Captioned QuickTime Video (177 MB) Humans can't go to Mars (yet), but at least for now, we can send extensions of ourselves. Mars   MORE >>
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This is your chance to go to Mars!Fill in your information below and your name will be included with others on a microchip on the Mars Science Laboratory rover heading to Mars in 2011!   MORE >>
Number of US Names: 6 See Worldwide Participation Map State Number ofNames Submitted California 6        MORE >>
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Number of Worldwide Names: 12 See US Participation Map Country Number ofNames Submitted US 12        MORE >>
As this mission develops, more unique ways to participate will be added, especially when the rover gets to Mars! While the Mars Science Laboratory rover is being built, help us name it or follow its   MORE >>
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