Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Technical Service Center
Economics and Resource Planning Group

Economic and Financial Analyses

Our economists perform a wide range of water-resource-related analyses, primarily concerning:

We use our economic expertise to:

Our services for Reclamation and other governmental agencies include:

  • Economic formulation of alternative water management plans
  • Determining the value of municipal and industrial water for water market transfers
  • Applying economic models to estimate impacts in environmental impact statements
  • Computing the ability-to-pay of irrigators and rural communities for water
  • Determining the value of environmental resources such as wetlands and endangered species
  • Determining recreation use benefits
  • Evaluating actions affecting Native American Indians
  • Preparing project final cost allocations
  • Developing economic standards for land classification
  • Valuation of hydropower, including modeling and FERC relicensing analysis
  • Economic decision making for the Safety of Dams Program
  • Researching new techniques and analytical tools

Special Feature: “Understanding Hourly Operations at Glen Canyon Dam”

Read the report
Download the GCPSE95 Program
Download the data file

For further information about the Economics and Resource Planning Group, our people, and the services we provide, we invite you to follow any of the links on the left-hand navigation bar, or contact our manager, Rick Vinton (303-445-2738 or RVinton@usbr.gov).