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Technical Service Center
Economics and Resource Planning Group

Cultural and Historical Resources

Cultural and Historical Resources staff provide expertise in archaeologic, historic, architectural, and ethnographic resources. Services include surveys, consultation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and State Historic Preservation Offices, repository evaluation; National Register listing; curation and assistance in compliance documents for NEPA and the National Historic Preservation Act. We can provide:
  • Section 106 compliance work
  • Agreement documents (MOAs, PAs)
  • Resource management plans, planning documents, and special studies
  • Field surveys, research and documentation, evaluations of significance, photography (archival & digital)
  • Management and mitigation recommendations
  • National Register Determinations of Eligibility (DOEs) for historic properties
  • Oral history interviews
  • Historic context statements
  • Input into NEPA documents and special studies
  • Consultation with State Historic Preservation Offices and Tribes
  • Cultural resources contract development and oversight
  • Historic land use studies
  • Archival research

For further information about the Economics and Resource Planning Group, our people, and the services we provide, we invite you to follow any of the links on the left-hand navigation bar, or contact our manager, Rick Vinton (303-445-2738 or RVinton@usbr.gov).