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To facilitate the decontamination, certification, containment, and proper function of laboratory equipment.

  • List of Decon qualified individuals - appropriately trained individuals authorized to sign tags
  • Room Clearance (form)
  • Work Authorization tag
  • Training


Room Clearance

The following signage is used by EHS to certify a room has been cleared and ready for demolition or renovation.



Work Authorization Tag - Form used to document the need for and proper conduct of effective biological, chemical, and/or radiological decontamination.

Work Auth Tag


  • EHS periodically issues a memo designating individuals who are authorized to sign work authorization tags required prior to repairs or relocation of equipment.  The memo also provides instructions for laboratory personnel to initiate a work authorization tag.
  • Specific guidelines for operation and decontamination of laboratory equipment are contained in Section 4 of the NCI-Frederick Safety and Environmental Compliance Manual.  These guidelines ensure the proper decontamination of equipment for safety clearance.
  • Authorized laboratory personnel will decontaminate the equipment and sign the portion of the tag marked "decontaminated by" and the supervisor initializes the tag to verify decontamination.
  • In order to initiate the actual repair/calibration/replacement of the equipment, the requestor will notify the appropriate department (i.e. Trouble Desk, Property, or the Scientific Equipment Repair Coordinator) as appropriate.
  • The requestor will submit a completed work authorization tag to EHS (Tags can be obtained by contacting EHS at x1451).
  • Once a work authorization tag is received, EHS will verify that the equipment does not pose a hazard from biological, chemical, and radiological contamination, according to the potential contaminant of concern as indicated on the “work authorization tag”.
  • Laboratory personnel are responsible for following these instructions for tag initiation and proper decontamination of laboratory equipment prior to work authorization by individuals authorized by EHS to sign work authorization tags.

EHS Compliance manual

Laboratory Equipment (picture of a piece of equipment tagged)


1. How do I become a Decon Qualified Person?

2. How long does my training last? When do I need retraining?

3. Where do I get more tags for the equipment?

4. Where do I send the completed tags?

 Work Auth Tag Complete #2

 Copy sent to EHS  






 Copy Sent to FME  




Copy sent to Requestor      






Copy to remain on the equipment 



  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)      USA.gov