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Recovery Tracker 

Since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on February 17, 2009, more than $500 million has been allocated to Mississippi, including $50 million for infrastructure projects, construction, and law enforcement in the First District.

Money is coming to North Mississippi, and it's coming fast. Now, the question on the top of everyone's mind is: "How can I be sure that these funds are implemented responsibly?"

To promote transparency and accountability, I have created the North Mississippi "Recovery Tracker." This will allow you to trace Recovery Act funds in the district and throughout the state, as well as provide you with resources specific to Mississippi.

The Recovery Act already contains an historic level of transparency, oversight, and accountability to help guarantee that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and ensure that Americans can see the results of their investment. It also includes a dedicated website that allows citizens to track every penny and hold federal, state, and local officials accountable for performance. I encourage you to visit www.recovery.gov to see how recovery funds are being spent nation wide. In addition, various U.S. departments have their own Recovery Web pages where they post useful information and lists of allocations by state.

It's a lot of work to keep up with this vast amount of continually updated information located on several different Web sites. It's important that the constituents of the First District have an accessible way to quickly and easily track Recovery funds in their area on one comprehensive site. I hope that you will visit this page on a regular basis, and I will continue working to ensure that these funds are implemented with the utmost transparency, oversight, and accountability.


Recovery Funding to Mississippi's First District 

Click Here to see what Infrastructure projects are being funded by the Recovery Package

Click Here to see how Recovery funding is helping Law Enforcement

Click Here to find out how Recovery funding is improving Health Care for North Mississippi

Click Here to learn how Recovery funding is creating jobs by improving Housing

Click Here to find out how Recovery funding is jumpstarting the economy by investing in Energy & the Environment 

Click Here to learn about Recovery funding for the Military & Veterans

Click Here to find how how Recovery funding is improving Education in Mississippi

To find out Recovery funding totals for Mississippi and the First District, click here.


Additional Resources

Click Here for additional resources to find information about Recovery funding in Mississippi and throughout the nation. Or use the button below to visit the Federal Government's National Recovery Tracker Page.


My Recovery Package Printable Guide Now Available!

Click the document below for a printable guide to searching and applying for funding in the Recovery Package. This guide has important information for local governments, non-profits, individual tax payers, and small businesses to assist in finding programs in the Recovery Package they may be eligible for. Click Below to access a printatble version of the guide.

Recovery Tracker Funding Guide Book