Statement on Meeting with President Obama

Scalise personally invited President Obama to visit the New Orleans Region to review hurricane recovery issues. The President accepted.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise today made the following comments after a meeting between President Barack Obama and House Republicans regarding the economy and the President’s spending proposal.

“We had a productive meeting today with President Obama to discuss his proposed spending bill and plan for the economy. Many House Republicans expressed our concerns with runaway spending in Washington, and our deeper concerns that the proposed $850 billion plan will not stimulate our economy.

“We offered solutions that will help get our economy back on track as an alternative to the massive spending bill proposed by the liberal Democratic leadership in Congress. The proposals we offered focus on tax cuts to help middle class families and small business create jobs.”

Immediately after the meeting Scalise personally asked the President to come back down to the New Orleans area to review the work that still needs to be done on hurricane recovery. President Obama agreed and said he needs to get back down there.

Scalise said, “I’m glad President Obama agreed to come back to New Orleans. It is important that he continues to keep our hurricane recovery issues at the forefront as he begins his new administration.”


Contact: Luke Bolar

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