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Technical Service Center

Water Resources Planning and Operations Support

86-68210, Water Resources Planning and Operations Support Group

Joe Lyons, Manager

Our Mission: Helping to manage and protect our natural resources for the future

The Water Resources Planning and Operations Support Group provides technical services related to development and management of surface water and ground water supplies. Water resource engineers, surface water hydrologists and geohydrologists conduct water supply investigations for a wide-variety of studies related to water resource planning, management and project operation activities.

Working in coordination with local and regional water resource specialists, our professionals identify natural resource management problems and needs and formulate opportunities, both structural and non-structural, to manage the water resource and improve the efficiency of water use to meet the growing and competing water demands for urban, industry, agricultural, energy, fish, wildlife, recreation, and environmental purposes.

These services are provided directly to Reclamation offices and other government agencies through interagency agreements. Due to regulations prohibiting competition with private industry, we have no authority to provide services to private individuals or groups who are not contractually connected with the Bureau of Reclamation.


Water Supply Availability and Reliability Analysis

Our technical personnel are experienced in determining the quantity of water, both surface water and ground water, available to satisfy present and projected water demands. By applying advanced water resource analysis tools and methods, our experts can perform coordinated river and reservoir system simulations as well as ground water flow characteristics to examine expected impacts to system water yield under present basin development conditions, including administrative and legal requirements, and under proposed constraints related to conveyance and reservoir operations, aquifer pumping, and water demand redistribution.

In an ongoing collaborative effort with Texas A&M University, a Hydrologic Modeling Inventory has been developed which allows modelers in government, academia and the private sector to get current information about a wide variety of hydrologic and water resources modeling tools currently used in the profession. The link to the hydrologic modeling inventory is:

Water Use Assessments

Our experts can conduct analysis of past and present water use and can determine rates of water consumption and water loss in water supply distribution systems and on-farm water application practices. These types of investigations are prerequisite to identifying opportunities for improved water use efficiency and are critical in validating water requirements and historic beneficial water usage in water rights proceedings.

Water Diversion Requirements

Our water professionals can conduct studies of present and projected consumptive and non-consumptive water needs including domestic, commercial, industrial, rural, irrigation, municipal, energy, and environmental water use sectors. With the water demand information, our experts can determine storage and distribution facility sizing requirements that meet the needs of the water service area.

Advanced Water Resource Analysis and Technologies

Our water specialists can develop, enhance, and apply advanced technologies in analyzing the capability of developed and potential water supplies in satisfying changing and competing water demands. Utilizing advanced computer programming techniques, our experts can design and develop new computer analysis tools, or adapt existing computer simulation models and appropriate analytical methods to conduct water resource studies of various conditions of basin development and projected water regulation, control and facility operation.

Watershed Hydrology

Our experienced hydrologists and geohydrologists can perform complex investigations of precipitation-runoff relationships, determinations of runoff in ungauged watersheds, studies of surface water–ground water interactions including baseflow separation, determinations of reconstructed streamflows for past and undepleted streamflow conditions, and analyses of aquifer conditions including recharge characteristics, transmissivity, and safe yield.

Water Resources Planning and Management

Our water resource engineers and hydrologists can perform complex investigations of the capability and dependability of the water supply to meet growing and changing demands. Water resource investigations for improved river and reservoir administration and operation, conjunctive use of surface water and ground water supplies, new and expanded storage and conveyance facilities, water banking, and water exchanges and transfers are a few of the water supply augmentation options that can be examined by our experienced water resource professionals to improve the utilization of existing and new water supplies.

Water Conservation

Our expertise can provide water distribution entities with advice and guidance on how best to improve water delivery and reduce water loss. Experienced people can assist water districts in reviewing and evaluating existing water use practices, and can support water district personnel to describe a water conservation plan which meets the specific needs of the district, estimate the potential for water salvage and water savings, and identify opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of water use.

Applied Research and Technology Transfer

Our experienced water resource engineering and hydrology expertise can design and install advanced water resource analysis tools including simulation models and relational database management systems and train others in the use and application of new methods and procedures. Our specialists can research and evaluate the potential of new and improved concepts, methodology, and technology and can lead work efforts in the advancement of new analyses techniques for improving water resources management.

Site Dewatering

Our ground water specialists can design dewatering plans for construction or maintenance of facilities upon request. We can provide design and construction support in the highly specialized area of ground water management facilities. Peer review of design and construction plans created by other Reclamation personnel can be provided. If contract specifications require the contractor submit a dewatering plan, our experts will evaluate the plan and provide a recommendation for approval or modification.

O&M Support

Proper maintenance of ground water management facilities is essential to the future of water resource management. When well yield drops off, our ground water professionals can assist you to identify and solve the problem.

Aquifer Testing

We have specialized expertise in the monitoring and testing of aquifers and in the analysis of aquifer tests. The group maintains 2-, 4-, and 8-channel loggers that are available to our clients for aquifer tests at a modest daily rate. Our technician can assist in the testing or can train you in the use of the equipment.


Contact Information-  
Group Manager:
Joe Lyons, Manager (JLyons@usbr.gov )
Telephone: 303-445-2531
Postal Address:
Bureau of Reclamation
P.O. Box 25007, Denver Federal Center
Mail Stop: 86-68210
Denver, CO 80225