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Congressman Ed Whitfield
News | Congressman Ed Whitfield | United States Representative
Whitfield Statement on Swine Flu April 30, 2009 WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Ed Whitfield (KY-01) issued the following statement today following a hearing held by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health entitled, "Swine Flu Outbreak and the U.S. Federal Response." The Congressman submitted a statement for the record citing the need to ensure local, state and federal health departments have the tools and resources they need to treat swine flu (H1N1 Flu) and contain the disease in the event of an outbreak.

"While there have been no confirmed cases of swine flu in Kentucky, it is essential that the Commonwealth and the entire nation protect its citizens from the spread of this disease and ensure the proper measures are in place to prevent and stop an outbreak. My office has been in contact with the CDC and I am continuing to monitor the disease and any reports affecting Kentucky. The CDC is advising individuals to take the usual precautions to prevent the spread of any flu - cover your mouth and hands when coughing or sneezing, discard used tissues, wash your hands regularly and stay home from work or school when feeling ill.

"It is also essential that our federal and state health leaders communicate, clearly and concisely, accurate and up-to-date information to the American people, so that we do not cause unnecessary concern or confusion. For example, many people are confused about the consumption of pork, but swine flue cannot be spread through cooked and properly handled pork. As a Representative from a major agrarian state, I am concerned that we not start a fear that pork is not safe, which will only hurt our pork farmers and not help the problem at hand. It is imperative that the FDA and the CDC work closely together to release pertinent and reliable information to the American public.

"In addition, I understand Kentucky depends on seasonal migrant workers from countries such as Mexico to keep farms and related operations running. I understand the concern over the impact the outbreak of this disease in Mexico will have on the travel of these workers to and from the United States. Of course, right now priority must be given to public safety."

For more information on swine flu and tips on staying safe, please visit: or In addition, please refer to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico's website at for the latest information on service reductions at consular posts and travel advisements which may affect the general public as well as migrant workers

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