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Technical Service Center, Infrastructure Services

Hydraulic Equipment Group

Group Manager:  
Dan Drake


Clamshell gate at Arrowrock Dam This group provides mechanical engineering related to primary water delivery equipment, including:

Engineering services include budgetary estimating, design, and specifications,as well as factory inspection and equipment installation supervision. The Group performs engineering analysis related to hydraulic transients inpower system waterways and general stress analysis of large gates and turbine/pump equipment.

Life analysis of existing and new equipment is performed using field test data, fatigue analysis, and fracture mechanics. Life analysisis used to determine replacement or repair intervals. The Group also performs site testing of pumps and turbines during startup of new equipment and performance testing of pumps and turbines to confirm warranted characteristics.

These engineering services are related to new and existing dams, powerplants, pumping plants, water treatment plants, fish handling facilities,water conveyance structures, and visitor and employee facilities.