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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Electronic Journals

For exclusive use by the U.S. Department Energy Headquarters' employees and contractors

Energy Daily and Inside Energy - HQ

The journals Energy Daily and Inside Energy are seat-based subscriptions.  The Energy Library obtains bulk-licensing from the publishers of these electronic journals providing the HQ account holders with highly discounted accounts.  The links will take you to the journals' home page where an account is needed to log in.  If you desire an account for Energy Daily or Inside Energy, first contact the Energy Library, Forrestal.Library@hq.doe.gov, (202) 586-3112, to obtain current pricing information.  To create a new account a fund cite is needed.

The Energy Daily - provides daily coverage, analysis and insight into key business, policy, scientific, and federal and state regulatory developments affecting all sectors of the energy industry, including electricity, oil and gas, nuclear power, coal and emerging alternative technologies and fuels.

Inside Energy - contains weekly updates to news and events affecting the U.S. Department of Energy. Daily updates are provided by Inside Energy Extra.

Other Electronic Journals

American Physical Society publications (Physical Review, etc.) - Physical Review letters, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics.

Virtual Journals in Science and Technology - This series of "virtual" journals in the physical sciences has been jointly developed by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and the American Physical Society (APS). Each of the virtual journals presents an online collection of relevant papers from a broad range of "source" journals in the physical sciences. Participating source journals include all journals published by APS and AIP, journals from participating publishers on AIP's Scitation, Science, and Nature.

Petroleum News - Access to Petroleum News has been provided for Department of Energy Headquarters employees only. To access the publication, enter your DOE email address and the password "DOE" in the upper right hand corner of the Petroleum News homepage.

Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) - The WBDG portal provides government and industry practitioners with access to information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a 'whole buildings' perspective. Currently organized into three major categories—Design Guidance, Project Management and Operations & Maintenance—at the heart of the WBDG are Resource Pages, reductive summaries on particular topics.

Construction Criteria Base (CCB) - A serive of WBDG, CCB is an electronic library of construction guide specifications, manuals, standards and many other essential criteria documents. Published and updated continuously, CCB contains the complete unabridged, approved, current electronic equivalents of over 10,000 documents, finding and using current, approved U.S. construction criteria. Documents are organized first into Libraries, then by Source and Category.


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