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Office of Security Operations
(Direct Report to the Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer)

Mission and Functions


The Office of Security Operations strengthens national security by protecting personnel, facilities, property, classified information, and sensitive unclassified information for DOE Headquarters facilities in the National Capital Area under normal and abnormal (i.e., emergency) conditions; managing access authorization functions; ensuring that executives and dignitaries are fully protected, and supporting efforts to ensure the continuity of government in all circumstances as mandated by Presidential Decision Directive. The Office is the database owner for the principal personnel security information processing activities of the Department and personnel security administrative review process.


  • Provides support, assistance and advice to the Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer regarding security operations, particularly as they relate to those programs under the purview of HSS.

  • Provides management oversight and direction to all Headquarters security operations including physical protection, technical security, information security, operation security (OPSEC), and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) to ensure efficient and cost effective operations.

  • Supports the Secretary and Deputy Secretary in executing the Department's Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC) by serving as the Executive Secretariat to the SAPOC, maintaining related directives and guidance, and providing oversight of field implementation.

  • Provides management oversight and direction for the Department's Executive Protection Program.

  • Directs Headquarters-level emergency response activities associated with operational emergencies, energy emergencies and emergency assistance situations.

  • Directs investigations of alleged or suspected acts against major Departmental facilities impacting national security, personnel security, compromise of classified or sensitive information, violations of the Atomic Energy Act, federal laws, national security policies and Executive Orders.

  • Provides management oversight and direction to the security inquiry and investigations program.

  • Represents DOE at Interagency level conferences and committees as it pertains to HQ security related issues.

  • Establishes and maintains liaison with intelligence offices to facilitate coordinating the overall continuity activities relating to security.

  • Provides direct security support to the Office of the Secretary, serving as its Headquarters Security Officer.

  • Administers the personnel security program for DOE Headquarters, to include access authorization and reinvestigation processing.

  • Maintains DOE-wide clearance databases.

  • Administers classified visit processing for DOE Headquarters.

  • Administers DOE-wide aspects of administrative review process under Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 710.

  • Administers and manages the Department's Accelerated Access Authorization Program (AAAP).

  • Performs Personal Identity Verification (PIV) functions at DOE Headquarters as required by Homeland Security Presidential Directive # 12 (HSPD-12).


This page was last updated on February 28, 2009
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