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Rec. 2000-1
Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials

  • 2000-1 BY YEAR:
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 
 2001 2000 
This page last updated Tuesday, December 02, 2008

  • Board Recommendation: from Chairman Conway to Secretary Richardson, dated January 14, 2000. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • Department Response: from Secretary Richardson to Chairman Conway, dated March 13, 2000. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • Department Implementation Plan, Revision 2 dated July 22, 2002.  [PDF]
  • Contact Information

No document links for 2009

  • July 14,  2008, Departmental letter regarding the completion of the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) commitment 504-2 of the Implementation Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • January 3,  2008, Department letter updating one of the elements in the 2000-1 Implementation Plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • July 26,  2007, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 119W in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization in Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which calls for the completion of bulk sludge containerization at K West Basin. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • June 4,  2007, Department letter reporting completion of Commitments 120E and 122E in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the complete bulk sludge and final pass sludge removal from the K East Basin. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • March 13,  2007, Department letter providing status on Commitments 120E and 122E in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • January 22,  2007, Department letter reporting completion of Commitments 502, 504, and 509 in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials, which requires 50 percent stabilization of weapons grade plutonium, 50 percent stabilization of non-weapons grade plutonium, and 50 percent stabilization of the 248 kg of the materials through the Recovery Evaluation Process (REP), respectively, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • October 26,  2006, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 119E in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which calls for completion of bulk sludge containerization at K East Basin by October 31, 2006. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 13,  2006, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 220 in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires a complete stabilization of pre-existing neptunium solutions. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 2,  2006, Department letter notifying the Board of a potential to miss the commitment date in Commitment 119E in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which calls for the completion of bulk sludge containerization at K East Basin by October 31, 2006. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • January 5,  2006, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement regarding sludge stabilization and packaging system at the K-Basins at Hanford. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • December 21,  2005, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 510 in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Maerial, which calls for a survey and reprioritization of all non-Technical Area-55 excess materials by December 2005. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • November 28,  2005, Department letter forwarding the revision to Section 5.1 Hanford in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • September 30,  2005, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 211 in the 2000-1, Revision 2 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material, which calls for the dissolution of pre-existing residues in the H-Canyon at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • August 29,  2005, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 225 in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material, which calls for the complete disposition of pre-existing enriched uranium solution and enriched uranium solution resulting from Mk-16/22 Spent Nuclear Fuel dissolution at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 29,  2005, Department letter providing interim status on Commitments 120E and 119E in Revision 2 of implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the transfer of sludge from the K East Basin to the K West Basin and completion of sludge containerization in the K East Basin, respectively. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • June 3,  2005, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 212 in the 2000-1 Revision 2 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material, which requires the complete stabilization and packaging of all plutonium at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • November 24,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 121 in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the selection of a treatment process for the containerized K-West Basin sludge. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 27,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 118E in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the K-Basins, providing status of Commitment 119E, and the North Load-Out Pit sludge. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 12,  2004, Department letter informing completion of Commitment 219 of Revision 2 in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the initiation of the neptunium stabilization activities in the HB-Line Facility at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 1,  2004, Department letter providing status of the wet combustible transuranic waste shipments from the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 23,  2004, Department letter informing the Board of the delay in completion of Commitment 118E in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan which requires the complete fuel removal from the K West and K East Basins to the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility at Hanford. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 23,  2004, Department letter forwarding the revised 2000-1 implementation plan for stabilization, repackaging, or disposition of nuclear materials at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • June 18,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of repackaging and welding of 358 DOE STD-3013 outer containers at Richland. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • June 18,  2004, Board letter regarding revisions to the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, regarding sludge removal at Hanford's K-Basins. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • May 25,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 111 in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the complete stabilization and packaging of oxides at Hanford. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • May 4,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 401 in implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires repackaging and disposition of all plutonium materials. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • May 3,  2004, Department letter forwarding the revised implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • April 26,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of stabilization and packaging of certain nuclear materials at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory relative to the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • February 12,  2004, Board letter establishing a 120-day reporting requirement for the Department to provide a revised implementation plan for Board recommendation 2000-1 regarding accelerated stabilization, repackaging, or disposition of nuclear materials at Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • February 10,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 227 in Revision 2 of implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires completion of the dissolution of Mark-16/22 spent nuclear fuel at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • February 3,  2004, Department letter providing status of commitments on Sludge Removal at Hanford in implementation plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials, low curie salt-waste process in implementation plan 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site, and two actions in the Quality Assurance Improvement Plan for Defense Nuclear Facilities. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • January 21,  2004, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 506 in implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires roasting and blending of dioxide items Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • December 4,  2003, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 208 in Revision 2 of implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which is to begin operation of new furnaces and high firing plutonium oxide for stabilization and packaging. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • November 14,  2003, Department letter providing status of Environmental Management commitments on sludge removal at Hanford, low curie salt-waste processing at Savannah River Site, and the Quality Assurance Improvement Plan. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 1,  2003, Department letter reporting completion of Commitment 116 in implementation plan 2000-1 Revision 2, Prioritization in Stabilizing Nuclear Materials, which requires the complete stabilization and packaging of residues at Hanford. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • September 11,  2003, Department letter informing the Board of commencement of shipment of Low Enriched Uranium materials from Savannah River Site, completing commitment 224 in implementation plan 2000-1, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • August 1,  2003, Department letter regarding the Sludge Removal Project at Hanford K-Basins. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 17,  2003, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 305, in the 2000-1, Revision 2 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials, by completing the repackage of all metal and oxides (except classified metal) into 3013 containers at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 10,  2003, Department letter providing status of the stabilization and packaging of excess plutonium and uranium at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in relation to the Department's 2000-1 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • April 14,  2003, Department letter regarding disposition of highly enriched uranium solutions at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • April 11,  2003, Department letter regarding status of two Savannah River Site commitments, packaging of plutonium metal and disposition of pre-existing high-enriched uranium solutions, in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • April 10,  2003, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding sludge removal from the Hanford K-Basins relative to the 2000-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • March 24,  2003, Department letter informing Board of completion of stabilization and packaging of polycubes at Hanford, relative to Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • March 20,  2003, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding mission and funding level of the 94-1 Research and Development Program relative to the 94-1 and 2000-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • March 7,  2003, Department letter regarding completed commitments 202, 210, and 213 of Revision 2 of implementation plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • February 6,  2003, Board letter establishing a 15-day reporting requirement regarding the proper sealing of the Multi-Canister Overpacks at the Hanford Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • February 5,  2003, Department letter regarding completion of three material stabilization commitments by Richland in the 2000-1 implementation plan, Prioritization for Stabilizing Nuclear Materials. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • January 15,  2003, Department letter reporting completion of two Los Alamos National Laboratory's commitments relative to the 2000-1 implementation plan and proposing closure of these commitments. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • November 26,  2002, Department letter providing status information on two Board Recommendations as they apply to Rocky Flats. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • November 1,  2002, Department letter reporting completion of 2000-1 implementation plan milestone on stabilization and packaging of solutions at the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP). [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • August 9,  2002, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement regarding issues related to material stabilization at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • July 22,  2002, Department letter enclosing Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • June 24,  2002, Department letter responding to Board reporting requirement dated March 21, 2002 regarding the Department's future plans for the utilization of processing capabilities at the Savannah River Site relative to 2000-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • June 11,  2002, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on stabilization activities at the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant relative to the 2000-1 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • February 14,  2002, Department letter responding to Board letter dated November 21, 2001 regarding revisions in the 2000-1 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • January 16,  2002, Department letter reporting completion of commitments 302 and 303 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 302 calls for the complete removal and Commitment 303 calls for the complete processing of all the liquids in B771 at Rocky Flats. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]

  • November 21, 2001, Board letter regarding suggestions on the revised Implementation Plan for 94-1 and 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • October 25, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 229 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 229 calls for a complete dissolution of RFETS scrub allow at SRS.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • September 19, 2001, Department letter providing additional information relative to Board letter dated March 23, 2001 regarding Implementation Plan 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • August 8, 2001, Department letter reporting early completion of commitment 223 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 223 calls for a complete transfer of HEU solution to double-walled tank.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • August 8, 2001, Department letter relative to a change in commitment #308 in the 2000-1 Implementation Plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material. Commitment 308 will be changed to 'Complete repackaging all emaining low-risk residues (except wet combustible residues) to meet ISSC by May 2002. Wet combustible residues will be repackaged to meet WIPP requirements by May 2002.'.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • July 20, 2001, Department letter providing a detailed description of Richland Operations Office's progress in stabilizing and packaging the alloy materials as committed to in the Department's 2000-1 Implementation Plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • June 21, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 304 of Implementation Plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • June 12, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 23, 2001 regarding Implementation Plan 2000-1 Revision 1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter providing a 45-day reporting requirement to address Board concerns on the Department's plan to transfer the vitrification of the americium and curium (Am/Cm) solution in the F-Canyon Multi-Purpose Processing Facility to the high-level waste tank farms in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF).  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • May 16, 2001, Department letter reporting on the completion of two commitments in Implementation Plan 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • March 23, 2001, Board letter requiring modifications on the revised Implementation Plan 2000-1. It establishes a 60-day reporting requirement identifying the items stated in the Board letter.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • March 6, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitments 205 and 206 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 205 calls to complete conceptual design and 206 calls to begin design for 235-F Stabilization subproject.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • January 19, 2001, Department letter enclosing Revision 1 of Implementation Plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 

  • December 28, 2000, Department letter regarding the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the KW Basins at Hanford Site relative to recommendations 94-1 and 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • November 22, 2000, Department letter reporting completion of two commitments in 2000-1 Implementation Plan and proposing closure of these commitments.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • October 31, 2000, Department letter reporting completion of a commitment, 210 resume HB-Line dissolution of SRS residues, in the Department's implementation plan 2000-1 and proposing closure of said commitment.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • October 23, 2000, Board letter responding to the Department's letter dated September 27, 2000 regarding the report on several completed commitments in implementation plan 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • September 29, 2000, Department letter relative to the Department's implementation plan for the stabilization of nuclear materials identified in Recommendation 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • September 27, 2000, Department letter enclosing closure packages for several commitments in Implementation Plan 2000-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • August 16, 2000, Department letter reporting the completion of four commitments in the Department's 2000-1 Implementation Plan and proposing closure of these commitments.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • July 14, 2000, Board letter forwarding its review on the Department's implementation plan for 2000-1 and 94-1 submitted to the Board on May 31, 2000.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • June 8, 2000, Department letter enclosing Revision 3 of Implementation Plan for remediating the nuclear materials identified in 94-1 and 2000-1. It also proposes the closure of Recommendation 94-1.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • April 27, 2000, Department letter informing the Board that Revision 3 of Implementation Plan 94-1 and it's response to Recommendation 2000-1 will be submitted to the Board by the end of May 2000.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • March 13, 2000, Department letter acknowledging receipt of the Board's Recommmendation 2000-1 and the acceptance of sub-recommendations 1 through 9 of said Recommendation.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 
  • January 14, 2000, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 

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