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HSS News Archive

2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) (04/30/2009) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

NMMSS April 2009 Newsletter (04/27/2009) - Health, Safety and Security

HSS - Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Health and Safety Training Day, JUNE 3, 2009 (04/27/2009) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety,Nuclear Safety, Quality Assurance and Environment

Letter to DOE Champions on 2009 ISM Workshop (04/16/2009) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

Press Release: DOE Cites Stanford University and Two Subcontractors for Worker Safety and Health Violations - April 3, 2009 (04/06/2009) - Enforcement

Enforcement Preliminary Notice of Violation 2009 (04/03/2009) - Enforcement

Preliminary Report on Operational Guidelines Developed for Use in Emergency Preparedness and Response to a Radiological Dispersal Device Incident (03/27/2009) - Nuclear Safety, Quality Assurance and Environment

Announcement for Next ISM Workshop in Knoxville, August 24-27, 2009 (03/12/2009) - Nuclear Safety, Quality Assurance and Environment

Office of Enforcement 2008 Annual Report (03/06/2009) - Enforcement

Register for NMMSS 2009 Conference (03/06/2009) - Health, Safety and Security

Safety Advisory 2009-02 Recall of Defense Technology Distraction Devices (03/05/2009) - Corporate Safety Analysis

2009 DOE/NNSA and Contractor Enforcement Coordinator Workshop April 14-15, 2009 (02/25/2009) - Enforcement

Departmental Representative to the DNFSB - January 23, 2009, Board Letter (02/02/2009) - Departmental Representative

DOE HSS 2008 NSC Safety Survey (01/30/2009) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Beryllium Affected Worker Web Resources (01/29/2009) - Health and Safety

New Operating Experience Summary (01/28/2009) - Corporate Safety Analysis

DOE Quality Council (01/27/2009) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Security Policy Frequently Asked Questions (01/26/2009) - Security Policy

DOE Personnel Security (PERSEC) Courses and Training (01/23/2009) - Personnel Security

4th Quarter, Corrective Action Management Plan (CAMP) FY 2008 Report (10/22/2008) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Occupational Medicine Newsletter, October 2008 (10/16/2008) - Health, Safety and Security

Corrective Action Management Program (CAMPS) Reports - 3rd Quarter, FY 2008 Report (07/24/2008) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Whats New in DOE Order 450.1A? (06/25/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Radiological Control Technical Positions Cancelled (06/11/2008) - Health and Safety

Second Quarter, FY 2008 CAMP Report (04/18/2008) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities (04/15/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities - Powerpoint Presentation (04/14/2008) - Health and Safety

DOE Handbook 1113-2008 Radiological Safety Training for Uranium Facilities (04/14/2008) - Health and Safety

April 2008 Standards Actions (04/02/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Integration Of Safety Into The Design Process (03/31/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

FY 2007 Department of Energy Affirmative Procurement and Recycling Fiscal Year 2007 Report (03/28/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Training at 2008 Fire Protection Workshop (03/26/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

2008 DOE/Contractor Fire Protection Workshop Agenda (03/25/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Monthly Analyses of Electrical Safety Occurrences from August 2007 - February 2008 (03/17/2008) - Corporate Safety Analysis

March 2008 Standards Forum and Standards Actions (03/06/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Enhancement of Management Systems Supporting Employee Assistance Programs Task Force Report (02/28/2008) - Health and Safety

Plan for Meeting Toxic Chemical Reduction Provisions of Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management (02/20/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE HDBK 1110-2008 ALARA Training for Technical Support Personnel (02/19/2008) - Health and Safety

ALARA Training for Technical Support Personnel (02/15/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Former Worker Medical Surveillance Program Report (02/15/2008) - Health and Safety

Personnel Security Training Schedule (02/07/2008) - Health, Safety and Security

Fire Safety Committee Membership (02/06/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE Fire Safety Committee Charter (02/06/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Standards Actions Newsletter, February 2008 (02/04/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

CAMP Quarterly Report for 1QFY2008 (01/22/2008) - Corporate Safety Analysis

DOE-HDBK-1131-98 (Reaffirmation April 2004) and DOE-HDBK-1131-2007 (01/14/2008) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

Technical Position NSEP-TP-2007- 1: Technical Position on the Requirement in DOE 0 420.1B to Use National Consensus Industry Standards and the Model Building Codes (01/14/2008) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Pandemic Flu Brochure (01/04/2008) - Health and Safety

CFR 851 Overview Video (Windows Media Player required) (12/20/2007) - Health and Safety

EFCOG Occupational Medicine Fall 2007 Meeting (12/19/2007) - Health and Safety

Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Assessment and Wetland Involvement for the Transformation of Facilities and Infrastructure for the Non-Nuclear Production Activities Conducted at the (12/14/2007) - NEPA

4th Quarter FY 2007 CAMP Quarterly Report (10/24/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Corporate Safety Analysis

USEC - 835 (Post September 2007 Assessment) (10/16/2007) - Health and Safety

Technology for Training at the National Training Center (10/10/2007) - National Training Center

DOE Radiation Protection 2007 Workshop, November 27-29, 2007 (10/05/2007) - Health and Safety

The HSS Message, September 2007 (09/20/2007) - Health, Safety and Security

2005 Annual Report for Pantex Plant (09/20/2007) - Health and Safety

2005 Annual Report for Y-12 Plant (09/20/2007) - Health and Safety

2005 Annual Report for Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (09/20/2007) - Health and Safety

Headquarters Security Operations New Web Site Now Available (09/17/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Security Operations

Industrial Hygiene Functional Area Qualification Standard (09/11/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

September 2007 Standards Forum and Standards Actions (09/07/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

USEC - 836 Criteria (Updated September 2007) (09/06/2007) - Health and Safety

DOE-STD-1090-2007; Hoisting and Rigging (Formerly Hoisting and Rigging Manual) (08/27/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

HS-20: RESRAD-OFFSITE Memorandum (08/24/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-STD-1170-2007 Electrical Systems and Safety Oversight Functional Area Qualification Standard (08/07/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy (DOE/EIS-0183)(July 27, 2007) (07/30/2007) - NEPA

Technology Deployment Resource Center - News (07/26/2007) - Security Technology and Assistance

CAMP Report for Third Quarter 2007 (07/24/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Corporate Safety Analysis

2005 Annual Report for ETTP (formerly K-25 Plant) (07/19/2007) - Health and Safety

2005 Annual Report for Kansas City Plant (07/19/2007) - Health and Safety

2005 Annual Report for Brookhaven National Laboratory (07/19/2007) - Health and Safety

2007 Fluor Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant (07/16/2007) - Health and Safety

2007 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project at the Hanford Site (07/16/2007) - Health and Safety

2006 Intermech, Inc. Waste Treatment Project Richland, WA (07/16/2007) - Health and Safety

2007 Wackenhut Services, Inc. - Nevada (07/16/2007) - Health and Safety

EA-2007-02 Preliminary Notice of Violation issued to University of California (07/13/2007) - Enforcement

Compliance Order issued to Los Alamos National Laboratory (07/13/2007) - Enforcement

EA-2007-01 Preliminary Notice of Violation issued to Los Alamos National Laboratory (07/13/2007) - Enforcement

Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry Data Collection and Management Guidance (07/02/2007) - Health and Safety

Illness and Injury Surveillance Program 2004 Annual Reports Online (07/02/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

2007 Standards Actions Newsletter (06/29/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-STD-1187-2007 Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry Data Collection and Management Guidance (06/28/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

2007 Pollution Prevention Awards (06/22/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE Acquisition Guide 23.0 Implementing EO 13423 (06/21/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Enforcement Process Overview (06/11/2007) - Enforcement

Rule 10 CFR 835 and Amendments (06/08/2007) - Health and Safety

2007 EFCOG Occupational Medicine Meeting Presentations (06/08/2007) - Health and Safety

June 2007 Standards Forum and Standads Actions (06/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1105-2002 (CN-2) Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities (05/30/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Illness and Injury Surveillance Program 2003 Annual Reports Online (05/29/2007) - Health and Safety

May 2007 Security Director's Meeting, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (05/22/2007) - Health, Safety and Security

DOE-STD-5506-2007; Preparation of Safety Basis Documents for Transuranic (TRU) Waste Facilities (05/16/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE Occupational Radiation Exposure Data for 2006 (05/10/2007) - Corporate Safety Analysis

DOE-HDBK-1129-2007; Tritium Handling and Safe Storage (05/04/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Safety Advisories: 2007-04 - Readiness Review Weaknesses (05/04/2007) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Standards Actions, May 2007 (05/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Department of Energy 2007 Pollution Prevention Star Award Winners (04/26/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Practical Approaches to Facility and Activity Walkdowns (March 2007) (04/10/2007) - Health, Safety and Security

EPA Final Ground Water Rule Available Online (03/30/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Nuclear Safety and Environment

April 2007 Standards Actions (03/29/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-STD-1190-2007 Illness and Injury Surveillance Program Guidelines (03/26/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Update to DOE G 441.1-1B, Radiation Protection Programs Guide for Use with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 835, Occupational Radiation Protection (03/20/2007) - Health and Safety

FY 2006 Executive Order 13101 Report: Department of Energy Affirmative Procurement and Recycling Fiscal Year 2006 Report (03/16/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Independent Oversight Inspection of Emergency Management at the Los Alamos Site Office and Los Alamos National Laboratory, February 2007, Report Available Online (03/14/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Independent Oversight

Information Brief: Implementing Electronics Stewardship at DOE Facilities (03/13/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Nuclear Safety and Environment

Chemical Safety 2007 Workshop Presentations Now Availabile Online! (03/08/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

Report on Screening for Beryllium Sensitization and Disease in Former DOE Federal and Contractor Workers through December 2005 (03/08/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

Beryllium Current Worker Health Surveillance Through 2005 Report (03/08/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Health and Safety

OE Summary 2007-02 Highlights the Importance of Ladder Safety (03/06/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Corporate Safety Analysis

Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management" (03/05/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Nuclear Safety and Environment

HSS Has Announced that Arnold E. Guevara Will Assume the Position of Director, Office of Enforcement (HS-40) Effective March 4, 2007 (03/05/2007) - Health, Safety and Security

March 2007 Standards Forum and Standards Actions (03/02/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE Marking Handbook Has Been Updated and Is Now Available On-line (02/28/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Security Policy

Enforcement Action 2006-05, University of California and Los Alamos National Security, L.L.C., 02/16/07 (02/26/2007) - Enforcement

2007 Enforcement Coordinator Training (02/26/2007) - Enforcement

DOE-STD-3025-2007; Quality Assurance Inspection and Testing of HEPA Filters (02/13/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

OE Summary 2007-01 features best practices of 2006, January 31, 2007 (02/07/2007) - Corporate Safety Analysis

DOE-STD-3007-2007; Guidelines for Preparing Criticality Safety Evaluations at Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities (02/07/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Inspection of Environment, Safety, and Health Programs at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, January 2007 (02/02/2007) - Independent Oversight

DOE-HDBK-1143-2001 (CH-1) Radiological Control Training for Supervisors and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1141-2001 Radiological Assessor Training (CH-1) and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1109-97 (CH-2) Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1108-2002 (CH-1) Radiological Safety Training for Accelerator Facilities and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1106-97 (CH-2) Radiological Contamination Control Training for Laboratory Research and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1105-2002 (CH-1) Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

DOE-HDBK-1145-2001 (CH-1) Radiological Safety Training for Plutonium Facilities and Reaffirmation Memorandum (02/01/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Two DOE contractors listed among Americas Safest Companies (01/31/2007) - Health, Safety and Security

Safety Advisory 2007-01: Valley Fever (01/24/2007) - Health, Safety and Security,Corporate Safety Analysis

Department of Energy Standards Index (DOE-TSL-1-2007) (01/19/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Senior Technical Safety Manager Functional Area Qualification Standard (DOE-STD-1175-2006) (01/18/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

The annual DOE Occupational Radiation Exposure Report for 2005 is now available on the REMS website (01/18/2007) - Corporate Safety Analysis

What You Need to Know: The Basics for Cold and Flu Season (01/16/2007) - Health and Safety

Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities (DOE/STD-1128-98 CN2) (01/12/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities, DOE-STD-1128-98 Change Notice 2, December 2006 (01/11/2007) - Health and Safety

Program Review Letter, BBWI Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project (01/09/2007) - Enforcement

Tele-video Call: JANUARY 9, 2007 - Implementation of 10 CFR 851 Worker Safety and Health Program (01/05/2007) - Health and Safety

January 2007 Standards Actions (01/04/2007) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

Final Published Implementation Guide (G440.1-8) (12/29/2006) - Health and Safety

Operating Experience Summary 2006-14 (12/12/2006) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Safety Bulletin 2006-06 Preventing Eye Injuries (12/07/2006) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Safety Bulletin 2006-07 Beryllium Awareness (12/07/2006) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Amendment to Rule 10 CFR 835 published in the Federal Register on 11/28/2006 (11/28/2006) - Health and Safety

DOE Electronics Stewardship Plan (11/27/06) (11/27/2006) - Nuclear Safety and Environment

OE Summary 2006-12 Describes Manlift Fatality at BP Texas City (11/17/06) (11/17/2006) - Corporate Safety Analysis

OE Summary 2006-13 Details Results from Type B Accident Investigation of Arc Flash (11/17/06) (11/17/2006) - Corporate Safety Analysis

Enforcement Press Releases, BWXT Pantex L.L.C. (11/16/06) (11/16/2006) - Enforcement

Enforcement Press Releases, CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc. (11/16/06) (11/16/2006) - Enforcement

Independent Oversight Inspection of Classification and Information Control Programs at the Office of Science Pacific Northwest Site Office and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, November 2006 (11/01/2006) - Independent Oversight

Independent Oversight Inspection of Classification and Information Control Programs at the Richland Operations Office, Office of River Protection, and Project Hanford Management Contract, November 2006 (11/01/2006) - Independent Oversight

Inspection of Emergency Management at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, (11/06) (11/01/2006) - Independent Oversight

The U.S. Senate has confirmed the appointments of John Edward Mansfield, Larry W. Brown, and Peter Stanley Winokur to be Members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (10/01/2006) - Departmental Representative

Board closed Recommendation 95-2, Safety Management (10/01/2006) - Departmental Representative

The 2006 version of the DOE Marking Handbook is now available at (10/01/2006) - Health, Safety and Security

DOE Pandemic Influenza Information (10/01/2006) - Health and Safety

Rear Admiral Gerald L. Talbot, Jr. selected as Nevada Site Office Manager (10/01/2006) - Departmental Representative

Security Enforcement Program (9/22/06) (09/22/2006) - Security Operations

Klondike III / Biglow Canyon Wind Integration Project (09/22/2006) (09/22/2006) - NEPA

Zero-Baseline Review of Security Protection Measures and Technology Demonstration at Idaho National Laboratory (9/22/06) (09/22/2006) - Health, Safety and Security

Press Release Announcing Formation of the Office of Health, Safety and Security (9/22/06) (09/22/2006) - Health, Safety and Security

Strengthening the Department of Energy Worker Health, Safety and Security Functions (9/22/06) (09/22/2006) - Health, Safety and Security

President Bush intends to nominate Peter S. Winokur to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (09/05/2006) - Departmental Representative

President Bush intends to nominate Larry W. Brown to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (09/05/2006) - Departmental Representative

President Bush intends to nominate John E. Mansfield to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (09/05/2006) - Departmental Representative

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This page was last updated on May 12, 2009
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