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Corrective Action Tracking System

Welcome to CATS.

NOTICE: Because of the potential sensitive nature of some information in Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) that is placed in the Department of Energy (DOE) Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS), DOE is limiting access to the CATS web site. Members of the public cannot access the CATS web site at this time. DOE regrets any inconvenience caused by this decision in response to the Deputy Secretary's concern regarding accessibility of DOE operational information.

Access to the CATS web site by DOE employees and contractors presently registered with the web site will not change. Registered users will continue to access the web site as they did prior to this change.

Non-registered employees and contractors from DOE and other Federal agencies may request a read-only account to view corrective actions on the CATS web site by selecting to register for read-only access (below), and completing the electronic registration form presented. Please complete all required fields, indicated by an arrow. The system will confirm your registration by E-Mail, which will contain your Login ID.

DOE will continue to provide paper copies as available of corrective action documents upon request. You may submit your request for a specific document by contacting the DOE Office of Health, Safety and Security, Safety and Health Information Management Helpline at 1-800-473-4375 or email: We will direct your request to the responsible DOE office.

CATS User Login Button
CATS Read Only Button

CATS Change Password
CATS Editor Access Request
This page was last updated on April 07, 2009
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