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NCI-Frederick Phonebook

Welcome to the NCI-Frederick On-Line Phonebook and Personnel Directory. Our directory can be searched a number of ways: use the Quick Search to quickly look for matches for the most common directory queries. If you are having trouble finding your information in the Quick Search you may can use the Advanced Search to browse the directory alphabetically using the Alpha Search, or look for matching text in specific fields using the Directed Search.  

NOTE:  To request changes to the NCI-Frederick Telephone Directory, please click the name of the person you would like to change, then click the "Change Details" button. Please note that it may take up to 10 working days for your changes to be reflected online.

Quick Search

  Advanced Search  

Emergency Phone Numbers

Fire: 911 Protective Services: 1091
Medical Emergency: 911 Safety: 1451
Occupational Health Services: 1096 FME Trouble Desk: 1068
For organizational information, contact, and services please try the NCI-Frederick Campus Page

SEE ALSO:  Local Yellow Pages, NIH Employee Directory (NED)