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You searched for "KBAO"
Clear Lake Dam Modification Project KBAO - Clear Lake Dam Modification Project - Website Includes links to the Environmental Documents
KBAO Water Bank The Klamath Project Water Bank is a mechanism designed to meet water supply requirements through transfer of water from one entity to another.
Klamath Operations Planning Klamath (KBAO) Operations Planning - Klamath Project Annual Operations Plan 2005 2004 2003 2002 Final 10-Year Biological Opinions Memo to NMFS (297KB) Final Threatened Coho Salmon Biological Opinion (562KB) Memo to FWS (252KB) Final Endangered Suckers Biological Opinion (7.1MB) Final Endangered Suckers Biological Opinion Appendices (6.6MB) 2002 Draft 10-Year Biological Opinions Draft Threatened Coho Salmon Biological Opinion (604KB) News Release Draft Endangered Suckers Biological Opinion (6.5MB) News Release Draft Endangered Suckers Biological Opinion Appendices (4.3MB) 2002 Interim Biological Opinions Threatened Coho Salmon in the Klamath River (210KB) Endangered Suckers in the Klamath Basin (55KB) Biological Assessment with NAS Interim Report (2.5MB) News Release Endangered Species Information ESA Consultations U.S. Fish Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Klamath Project Klamath Project - The Upper Klamath River Basin has extensive land and water resources which are not fully developed. The terrain varies from rugged, heavily timbered mountain slopes to rolling sagebrush benchlands and broad, flat valleys. The project plan includes construction of facilities to divert and distribute water for irrigation of basin lands, including reclamation of Tule and Lower Klamath Lakes, and control of floods in the area.
Land & Water Operations Klamath (KBAO) Land & Water Operations Featuring: Hydrology Real-Time Oregon state water Information Klamath Basin Special Reports - National Water and Climate Center (NRCS) Weather & Climate Hydrological Modeling (KPSIM) Land Leasing Program Clear Lake Dam Reconstruction
Land Lease Program, KBAO Klamath Basin Area Office (KBAO) Land Lease Program
Link River Dam Fish Passage Klamath Basin Area Office (KBAO) Link River Dam Fish Passage
New Melones Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) Fee Program New Melones Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) Fee Program homepage - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2005 Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, or REA for short (P.L. 108-447), provides authority for Reclamation to join four other federal agencies in a fee collection and revenue retention program, issue special recreation use permits, and participate in a nationwide parks pass initiative called the Interagency Pass program. For Reclamation, implementing this legislation marks the first time that certain recreation areas such as New Melones Lake are provided the opportunity to retain revenues at the site collected, to be used for the enhancement of recreation facilities and services and other public benefits. Previous fee authority required all revenues to be deposited into the Land and Water Conservation Fund or the Federal Treasury. Visitors to New Melones Lake Recreation Areas have access to high quality standard and expanded amenities which meet the criteria for a fee program under REA. Amenities such as developed boat launch ramps and day use areas with paved parking, permanent restrooms, sanitation services, onsite ranger staff and other features have historically been provided free of charge at New Melones. Visitors to New Melones are currently being charged fees only for camping, while most other reservoir-based recreation areas in the region also charge fees for day use, boat launching, RV dump stations, pets etc. Per Reclamation Manual PEC-01-01, ?recreation? is a proprietary activity for which user charges are to be collected: these charges are to be based on `market? or `comparable? prices. Failing to charge comparable fees potentially undermines the ability of other local businesses and agencies to compete for recreation dollars. This is contrary to the requirements contained in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A25.
Special Projects, Klamath Special Projects within the Klamath Area
Wildlife Management, Klamath Project Public Law 88-567 Act of September 2, 1964 (Kuchel Act) 78 Stat.850 Section 1. Policy of the Congress. ? It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress to stabilize the ownership of the land in the Klamath Federal reclamation project, Oregon and California, as well as the administration and management of the Klamath Federal reclamation project and the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, and Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge, to preserve intact the necessary existing habitat for migratory waterfowl in the vital area of the Pacific flyway, and to prevent depredations of migratory waterfowl on the agricultural crops in the Pacific Coast States. (78 Stat. 850; 16 U.S.C. ? 695k)

Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region

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January 27, 2009

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