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Honoring Nate DeTample, a Fallen Hero Print E-mail
Monday, 15 October 2007
Video: Congressman Murphy Honors Fallen Iraq Vet Nate DeTample. (10/15/07)

Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania.

Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Illinois.

I rise today with pride to honor one of our Nation's finest sons. Nathaniel DeTample, Nate to his friends and family, Baby Boy to his National Guard unit, died in Iraq on August 9, 2005. He was 19 years old.

Nate was an Eagle Scout, an Eagles fan, a standout wrestler at Pennsbury High School, and a friend to all who knew him. Today, we pay tribute.

Madam Speaker, the legislation before us today will name the post office building in Morrisville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the Nate DeTample Post Office Building.

I am proud that this will be the first Pennsylvania post office named after an Iraq war veteran. His name will appear for all to see at 950 West Trenton Avenue, a sign of the spirit we honor.

Madam Speaker, today we give thanks to Nate and to his family for their service to our Nation. Nate joined the Pennsylvania National Guard to serve. He planned to be a police officer like his dad, but he never got that chance. He was always first in line to wrestling practice and always had a positive attitude. Bucks County Police Chief Ken Coluzzi said Nate was a nice boy and a fine young man who was going to be outstanding. It seems that is who is over there, overseas. There are a lot of outstanding young men and women who just want to do the right thing for their country, outstanding young heroes who put their lives on the line every single day.

Nate served in the Pennsylvania National Guard's Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 111 Infantry, a unit that proudly traces its roots back to the founding of our Nation and the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War, a rich history that Nate honored with his unforgettable spirit.

Madam Speaker, his friend said in tribute that Nate was one of the nicest guys ever. You never saw him down. You didn't have to meet Nate to know what kind of man, what kind of soldier he was.

When it came time for him to be laid to rest, scores of people lined the streets to say goodbye and to give thanks, a true testament to his spirit, his sacrifice, and the impact he had on the lives that he touched.

Madam Speaker, Nate's mom and dad, Kim and Glenn, asked at Nate's funeral that all of us pray for Nate's fellow soldiers and their families. Today, before this great body, with great pride, I repeat their request, and ask that we make it our mission to honor the fallen and stand up for those who are still fighting.

With his service, Nate DeTample showed us true energy, faith, and devotion. His memory will light our world.

In closing, I want to share how Nate signed one of his letters home from Iraq: ``Rock Steady, Nate.''

Madam Speaker, I hope my colleagues join me in honoring one of those rocks of our community, Nate DeTample. Rock steady.