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Opposing Construction of a Waste Transfer Station in Bensalem Print E-mail
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Video: Congressman Murphy Opposes Construction of a Waste Transfer Station in Bensalem. (10/17/07)

Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman from New Jersey.

Mr. Chairman, I rise today to urge my colleagues to support this critical amendment that we are offering with my good friend Mr. Pallone of New Jersey.

Right now in districts across America companies are trying to skirt the law and put our communities at risk.

In my district in Bensalem of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, a company is trying to construct a waste transfer facility despite widespread public opposition. A few months ago I stood with the leaders of Bensalem, Mayor Joseph DiGirolamo and State Representative Gene DiGirolamo, as we urged Congress to close this loophole that allows this end-run around local and State laws.

This is not a partisan issue, as these two Republican leaders of Bensalem will attest to. After all, ensuring that our neighborhoods are kept clean and safe isn't about politics; it is about doing what is right. With this amendment, we have an opportunity to protect our neighborhoods. I urge swift passage of this important amendment.