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Calling for Increased Funding for Veteran Services Print E-mail
Tuesday, 06 November 2007

Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania.

Madam Speaker, 4 years ago I served in Baghdad, Iraq, with the 82nd Airborne Division, and I am proud of my service.

In 2006, the election was about change: change in Iraq, change here at home, change how we treat our veterans. Well, these are the problems that we addressed in this Congress:

One, the Walter Reed tragedy. Our answer? We passed the Wounded Warrior Act.

Two, underfunding of veterans in past Congresses. Our answer? We passed the largest increase in Veterans Administration history.

Three, the two signature injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan are PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder and TBI, traumatic brain injury. Our solution in Congress, $600 million more than the President asked for to address these two injuries.

Later today, this House will take up our bill with Congressman Walter Jones to give our troops a 3.5 percent pay increase. Don't listen to the rhetoric. The President says that increase is unnecessary. I think it is exactly what this Congress should be addressing.