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Chairman's EEO Policy Statement

Federal Election Commission Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity

In my judgment we have the finest and most professional staff that any Federal Agency could hope for. This policy statement is meant to remind us that we need to continue to work together to maintain this level of professionalism and to be proactive to maintain a place of equal, fair and positive opportunity for all of us.

The Federal Election Commission is committed to promoting and maintaining an environment that promotes equality of opportunity for all its employees and applicants for employment. Therefore, in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Civil Rights Act of 1991; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and all other relevant laws and equal employment opportunity guidance, it is the policy and intent of the Commission to prohibit discrimination in all aspects of employment. This includes prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, parental status, and retaliation for participating in Equal Employment Opportunity activity.

This Policy Statement covers all personnel/employment policies and procedures and management practices and decisions including, but not limited to, recruitment/hiring, merit promotion, transfers, reassignments, training, career development and benefits. In addition, workplace harassment will not be tolerated, allegations of harassment will be immediately investigated, and where allegations are substantiated, appropriate action will be taken.

The Commission (i.e., all Commissioners) is further firmly committed to advancing and maintaining diversity and compliance with our nation's EEO and Civil Rights laws and to preserving a work environment where discrimination, retaliation and harassment are not tolerated. Diversity enhances the Commission's ability to accomplish its mission by bringing people together with a wide range of skills, approaches and experience.

Therefore, the Commission expects all employees, supervisors, managers and senior leadership to commit to its EEO efforts. All FEC staff will be held accountable for their conduct and performance as public servants, and are expected to comply with applicable laws and the spirit of this Policy Statement. In furtherance of this policy, all of our staff members are expected to promptly bring any concerns about discrimination, in any form, to the attention of management. There will be no retaliation of any kind, and if any staff member feels that communication of any concerns to his or her immediate supervisor will possibly bring retaliation or negative consequences, the concerned staff member should contact another manager in his or her supervisory chain, an EEO Counselor, the Inspector General (IG) or the IG Hotline, or the EEO Director.

We must all remember that EEO is everyone's business. We must all work together to prevent violations, and to ensure violations are promptly and properly reported and addressed. By working together, we can create an atmosphere that fosters dignity, respect, and equal and positive treatment for everyone in our workplace.

Steven T. Walther, Chairman
Steven T. Walther, Chairman